Thursday, December 26, 2013

the electronic cigarette and its effects remain a mystery whose thickness is determined by the power games of various lobbies and institutions.

 Snuff and cigarette smokers around the world in recent years can try a new product came from China electronic cigarette or e -cigarette. The French Office of Tobacco Prevention (OFT ) estimates the number of " vapoteurs " regular in France one million end of 2013, against five hundred thousand in May , 2012. While the product is not on sale in the hex since 2011 , it is also estimated that 10 million French have already tasted.

What is it?

Mere fad or revolutionary product ? It is still too early to tell , but the e-cigarette looks set to make his mark . Its strengths: a flavored vapor that replaces the thick plumes of smoke cartridges variable nicotine content , hundreds of flavors, great rates. Its main disadvantage youth product . Still little known to scientists , the electronic cigarette and its effects remain a mystery whose thickness is determined by the power games of various lobbies and institutions.
Thus, the traditional tobacco industry is facing new competition , tobacconists are fighting to keep the monopoly of the sale of smoking products , specialized in e-cigarette stores defend a promising market in which they are engulfed and doctors falling over on the right terminology to describe a less harmful tobacco product, but still harmful in absolute terms and is sometimes considered as an alternative to traditional solutions such withdrawal patches .
How does it work ?

The e-cigarette is an electronic device producing an artificial smoke and sometimes flavored with or without nicotine. Specifically , a known resistance " atomizer " e- heated liquid ( mixture of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin , flavor and optionally nicotine ) which evaporates and thus produces white vapor .
Where can I smoke?

Between all these stakeholders, the state has heard her say , but for now , it is overtaken by the speed of the phenomenon. As of today , so it is possible to smoke e-cigarettes in public places , as opposed to cigarettes "traditional" . Bars , restaurants and offices are open to " vapotage " ... for now .

But until when? In December 2013 , the European Union has approved a first step in its attempt to standardized framework for the sale of electronic cigarettes in its territory by considering it as a common good and not a drug consumption , which means that the sale does is not restricted to pharmacies and specialty shops have won a first victory. However, the European Commission has reserved the possibility of banning some later models " vapoteuses " or refills deemed dangerous or dubious provenance . China retains at the monopoly on the manufacture of components of e-cigarettes, and it is difficult to effectively trace its components , causing some concern on the part of public authorities.
The side of the French state, nothing is decided yet, but it is likely that national laws go towards stricter regulation that the European directives . Indeed, the Ministry of Health would like to limit the sale of refill e- cigarettes more than 20 milligrams of nicotine pharmacies because they would be considered drug substitutes for heavy smokers .
The e-cigarette to Paris

Until the law is clarified on all fronts , entrepreneurs seize their chance and specialty shops are blooming everywhere in France . Nothing in the capital , there are nearly a hundred of these shops where you will find refills , say e- liquid and electronic cigarettes disposable or not . In the jungle of the current market for e-cigarette, some sellers will direct you to specific products , originally recognized , and whose components are clearly specified. Note that the "Made in France " are only assembled in France and French brand ; components all come from China.

Among these shops that have grown everywhere in Paris , some are expected to disappear in the short term , because they have managed to integrate all the data in a market undergoing construction. Strings that are already in place should carve the lion's share .

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