Friday, December 27, 2013

The Board prohibits the electronic cigarette in hospitals and schools

From this coming January will not be able to light a mail or healthcare or schools , pubic transport or government buildings such cigarette as just agreed the Inter-Territorial Health Council, composed of representatives of the Government and the regions.
A decision to regularize the ' vaping ' which assumes and endorses the Government of Castilla -La Mancha, sources confirmed yesterday as the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, but whether the regional government will adhere to the ministerial proposal to extend limitations and equate to normal electronic cigarette snuff .
Currently the local capital viewed in Albacete capital engaged in the sale of this product look favorably restriction adopted by the Inter-Territorial Council , but always to remain so , as far as extending to other local and shops or bars and restaurants do not see it necessary.
The adjustment of the electronic cigarette was something expected by the industry, and since some regions, such as the neighboring region of Murcia, had begun the process on your own.
The shop owner Beaty vaping, Francisco Martínez , electronic cigarette user also considers positive regulation so far has been established in this type of cigarette. "But to extend it to other places its prohibition is an act of incompetence of the Ministry of Health, because before a new product which should make the minister 's call for a report about electronic cigarettes and depending on their findings acted upon , not ban it without more » .

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