Sunday, December 8, 2013

And also the question of how harmful are the e-cigarettes can not be answered unequivocally .

The European Commission wants to overrule the vote of the European Parliament and massively regulate the eZigarette : The plann by José Manuel Barroso provides virtually all of the values ​​set by the EU Parliament clearly exacerbate : Parliament had a maximum nicotine concentration of 30 mg / ml decided , the Commission intends to 20mg/ml . The Commission will only accept medicines flavors , which prohibit Refill Liquids and nachfüllbren Verdämpfer and also limit the Liquid pack sizes to 5ml.

Dac Sprengel , Chairman of the Association of eZigarettenhandels : "With this new proposal, the European Commission is trying to overrule the majority decision of the Parliament . There are, in the Commission's driving forces that favor a complete disappearance of eZigarette and democratic voting processes not accept . Through the Commission's plan would double the eZigarette regulated and would receive both the constraints of a tobacco product as well as the requirements for medical products. "

But the arguments of lobbyists eZigarette , this is the most effective means in order to quit smoking is not scientifically proven .

And also the question of how harmful are the e-cigarettes can not be answered unequivocally .

However, there are some aspects in which eZigarette performs better .

Researchers at the University of Athens have indeed found that e- cigarettes can reduce the risk of suffering from lung damage , no way . The researchers observed 32 study participants and measured their breathing resistance .
You might find that after enjoying an e-cigarette , breathing resistance of the subjects abruptly increased and remained at this level for about 10 minutes. For persons who had never smoked in their life , the breathing resistance increased from 182 percent to an average of 206 percent ; among smokers with normal lung function from 176 percent to 220 percent on average .

" We do not know whether new nicotine products such as e - cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes , even though the marketing claims they are less harmful ," says Christina Gratziou , an author of the study , " This study helps us to understand how , these products could be potentially harmful. " We need to further research to find out whether the effects on the lungs are long term.

The study supports the position of the European Respiratory Society (ERS ) , the European Association of pulmonary physicians to e- cigarettes. ERS- President Klaus Rabe says: "The ERS considers e- cigarettes neither as a safer alternative to smoking or as an effective way to quit smoking . "

But Smoking harms not only the lungs and is responsible for a variety of cancers, and heart and vascular diseases are favored by the use of tobacco . These e- cigarettes might actually be less harmful than their plant counterparts. A study by the also based in Greece Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center shows that the " steaming " an e-cigarette has no harmful effects on the heart.

In this study, the cardiac function of 22 E- cigarette users was compared with that of 20 smokers who smoke daily. After smoking a tobacco cigarette deteriorated cardiac function of smokers , the blood pressure rose, and heart rate increased . In the " steamers " turned after a seven- minute enjoyment of e- cigarette only a slightly elevated blood pressure a .

Not particularly surprising , says Russell Luepker , spokesman for the American Heart Association " . The e- cigarette has the advantage that it does not yet contain thousands of other chemicals in addition to nicotine " And even if in some studies of formaldehyde and other carcinogens in the liquids of the e cigarette found, as was the concentration of 500 - to 1400 - fold lower than in the normal cigarette .

Therefore, the tobacco lobby followed the efforts of the European Commission with favor : If the eZigarette regulated adolescent smokers may be deterred to have to buy the cigarette in the future at the pharmacy. The tobacco lobby has behind the scenes in Brussels still powerful advocate.

It would be in their mind when the smokers would fall back to the traditional cigarette. Shock pictures on the packages have proved to be particularly effective , even if the EU is now new motifs plan (here).

The eZigarette is indeed proven to be much less harmful than the traditional cigarette: normal cigarettes contain According to the German Cancer Research Center ( DKFZ) up to 8,000 chemicals, including 90 cancer-causing .

Such products can of course never be relegated to the pharmacy.

The eZigarette is distributed primarily by independent companies , not a big tobacco company supports the product. However, Philip Morris International is planning to enter next year in the business with the eZigarette : The Billion severe market offers excellent opportunities for the Marlboro brand , the company announced recently .

Also it could be the EU Commission see a motivation to keep the little small.

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