Monday, December 2, 2013

Electronic cigarettes to quit smoking how long?

Electronic cigarette is modeled portable electronic cigarette atomizer apparatus, appliance through the fog into propylene glycol or glycerin mist , directly inhaled . It is affixed with chewing gum to quit smoking or quit as aimed to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine smokers inhale .

Researchers at the University of Catania in Italy during 2010-2012 , tracing three hundred local smokers , the results of 8.7% in the twelve months after the no smoking traditional cigarettes , quit rate from 4% just suck nicotine-free electronic cigarettes , to 13 percent are still absorbing the high-dose nicotine electronic cigarette . In addition, the University of East London area had thirty-three UK, 1347 smokers investigation found that smoking electronic cigarette after the change , 74% do not smoke traditional cigarettes have been for several weeks , and 70% reduction in smoking . In other words , the electronic cigarette replacement therapy has been effective .
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However, the U.S. federal government has been skeptical of the electronic cigarette , even though studies have found the use of electronic cigarettes in the first nine months after , moderation ratio up to 20% , but can continue, and eventually quit completely , still lack empirical data to support electronic cigarettes than other quit the superiority of the product.

" Relapse " has been a nightmare of smokers want to quit smoking . U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was investigated in 2010 and found that 52.4% of smokers in the United States in the past twelve months , have tried to quit at least once , but only 6.2% in the final success .

In fact, the "success" to quit a few short weeks or months , can not be considered successful ; until determined to permanently quit smoking , is the real success. However, the final outcome will achieve the latter , often because of major health problems and unexpected party , such as cancer, heart disease or stroke , some smokers quit before they agree determined .
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