Wednesday, January 1, 2014

where a pack of cigarettes worth at least tens, far outstripped other not so "progressive" states

Smoking is harmful , and especially this pernicious habit is harmful to health in our country , in our time. Because that is where authorities declared smokers a real war.

First banned smoking at work, then - on the street in front of the building where you work. Then banned smoking in bars and restaurants ... A couple of years ago banned smoking in parks and on beaches, are now trying to ban smoking , even in your own home .

Federal and local chiefs in their struggle for ( smokers) health constantly improve tobacco taxes . Ostensibly to spend the money on the treatment of smokers themselves . In this process of taking money New York, where a pack of cigarettes worth at least tens, far outstripped other not so "progressive" states . But if you believe that taxes collected from smokers spent states and cities for their treatment ? I - no.

To further stimulate the smokers ' zabychkovat " last cigarette smoking in Washington wrestlers headed abstinentom Obama allowed insurance companies to raise the cost medstrahovok for smokers by 50 percent! It turns out that in relation to other categories of citizens smokers should pay more because a priori guilty .

All these prohibitions and penalties 's main objective - to destroy the American smokers (currently left in the country of about 50 million ) as a class. And judging by the authorities' determination , the lighter will not - will only get worse .

In this situation, it's time to really think about it, and whether it is time to quit smoking? Even inveterate smokers with years of experience after counting , what they cost in the new year this habit , you should consider ...

For those who intend to quit smoking (eg , according to sociologists, 70 percent ) offer a few tips from the American Cancer Society employee Thomas Glynn . Glynn , himself a former chain smoker , as they are called chain smokers, ten years ago, quit smoking ( sumel! ) and now advises anyone who tries to do it.
" First you need to choose a date - the day when you want to stop smoking - advises Glynn . - You can not even imagine how psychologically important for a smoker is your choice . As a rule, most smokers try to tie his attempt with the New Year , the beginning of a new month , birthday or any day of family celebration . Oddly enough , this reference point can help psychologically. At least the first few days, when the body used to the nicotine in revolt . "

Quit smoking - a difficult task . Several of my friends have managed to get rid of the addiction to cigarettes. Some of them were given the process easier , some harder. But almost everyone who wanted to quit smoking, managed to do it.

" Quit smoking today , when there was a lot more opportunities to help themselves in the transitional period - continues Glenn - much easier than a few years ago . The most important thing in this matter - to take a firm decision to develop a plan for their treatment , and follow it consistently . No matter how strong nicotine addiction, and the longer a person smokes , the higher it is , it can not be prevented from achieving the target. Having a clear plan of action and that all points of the plan - the main key to success . "

The overall strategy to combat smoking own can be quite broad. The first thing to bring to the problem of their loved ones and friends .

 First, if your determination to pursue the case falter , they are able to help and support you . Second, they can help with advice in planning the fight against smoking

By the way, when you make such a plan , and without its presence better not to start , try to eliminate from your daily schedule moments associated with smoking . For example, you used to smoke a cigarette on an empty stomach . Try to give up cigarettes, and in the morning to go straight to the bathroom. Believe me, a hot shower will help you. And if you're used to smoke a cigarette after dinner or lunch , try to replace it with a walk in the fresh air. And in this you can help your loved ones . Although at first everything will be given to you is very difficult. But you have to remember - you can get used to living without cigarettes.

"Chronic smokers should only be aware of - continues Glynn - that this problem they can not handle alone . In my experience, only 5 percent of smokers manage that. The rest have to use all kinds of help . This medication and drugs and all that sort of nicotine replacement patches , stickers , chewing gum, and it help of consultants from different social and health organizations. Use all the possibilities , the more that the current anti-smoking such assistance can be obtained free of charge . "
Glynn advises use to facilitate the task of hypnosis and acupuncture . A few years ago , such methods were in vogue . My friend was able to quit smoking programmer after a Chinese acupuncturist pierced his earlobe needles. But such cases - are rare. Much more often such attempts end complaints about meaningless spent time and money . Yes, and specific data on the effectiveness of such methods are not.

It is also questionable use of electronic cigarettes. And although their manufacturers claim that these cigarettes help to get rid of nicotine addiction , this is no scientific justification . Renowned medical journal Lancet finds that the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes can be equated to nicotine labels .
Skobeyn Martin , a psychologist from California , also insists that only need to quit smoking with the help of friends .
"You can even pre- announce his intention to as many friends and colleagues, - he says - this is another psychological crutch that will help you continue your efforts when your willpower not to be missed and fatally want to drag on his cigarette. Sense of obligation to answer for his words - could be decisive in your case . "

Particular attention should be given medical assistance. All kinds of patches , gum, pills even increase the chances of quitting by 20 percent. Sometimes help in choosing should consult a doctor , because the fight against nicotine addiction can lead to headaches and other unpleasant sensations.

Besides doctors you can always help consultants . Even telephone consultation in a moment of despair can help you. Quite a lot of such services in all cities of the country , and if you do not know who to call - there is one common room : 1-800-QUIT-NOW, by which you will always help .

Assistance in this matter can be obtained online smokefree. gov, where you can even enter into a dialogue (chat) with real-time consultant .

And most importantly - do not give up . Do not give up. Even if your first attempt to quit smoking ( such as , according to Glynn , more than half ) brought no results - not discouraged . Try to figure out what went wrong , and a month later to repeat this experiment . Water, as they say, wears away the stone . What can we say about cigarettes .

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