Sunday, January 19, 2014

I tried to gently interrupt this monologue

We live in worlds that barely penetrate . Each of us has his little kingdom , which consists of family, work colleagues and so-called environment further . Further extends the land appropriated by others, terra . Well, because I know exactly what my neighbor - a dentist ? Only that it is a dentist and her very angry that my existence ( I used for stamping ) . How much I can say about the people I talk to on the Internet? I'm afraid that much more .

Mohair of the most mysterious groups have called for me . mohery . Everyone knows who it is - for the first kneeling in church pews and guarding the candles at the Krakow suburb . Young people used to make fun of them , I kept my distance, little by reason , some out of necessity. Faith in God is to me something absurd and I do not know any mohair old man . My grandmother died only partially fit this description , because it was mohair beret , but do not go to church , just listened to the Mass on the radio. If alive today, probably prayer priest on the Internet. But she died. About mohair knew nothing . Until yesterday , when one encountered.

Accosted me at the tram stop . Visually meets all the criteria: black coat to the ankles, cane , purse , beret . 100 % of in . electronic cigarette , and she wrinkled her nose and pulled away angrily , fearing the stench and tar . I explained exactly what I hold in my hand , that it is not smoke, but the couple and if anyone harms , it is only me . I have a right to harm themselves . calmed down a bit and just wanted to know why I would like to shorten their lives . Why I'm doing well, and not bad? And so we began to talk to each other . First stop . Then the tram . I was going to visit his son. She - the sanctuary in Krakow's .

Here I must clarify a certain thing . God bless me out of the way , I think Catholicism as the biggest disaster ever fell on our country and on my shirt see inverted crosses and pentagrams . If you do not spit on every church is just because I hate even more contemporary anti-clericals . I prefer to be silent than to stand in one line with .

Get rid Member of Bilgoray and back to the tram at . Talking to you is quite nice until the old man asked how often I visit this beautiful and necessary sanctuary. I replied that I do not believe in God and go to church for baptisms and funerals (the fact that I enjoy more the latter than the first , deigned to remain silent ) . Well, it started. The old woman looked at me with concern and almost grabbed my hand . She began to speak acquired a voice and if I had not got on his bus , sure now. She said something like :

"But you are baptized. It means you belong to a church. It is not yet too late for you . Sir, are you going to let a priest . There are many wise priests and one for sure you will . Why do you departed from the faith ? And , my parents raised you so , they were unbelievers , those poor believers . Horrible, horrible sir. Do the saves . After all, what would have happened if not faith . only . The whole world would be just a huge killing . About Communism you ever heard ? Then tried to destroy religion, and many people were killed , many were deported . My father was also taken away , but still the First World War , the first one. Six years of exile . Do you really want to someone deported ? After you are baptized. It means you belong to a church. It is not yet too late for you . "

And so the vicious circle . I tried to gently interrupt this monologue . I explained that I live in Denmark, where they believe in God with two residents per mille and somehow still not slay . My parents were good to me . In vain . Still the same words repeated many times landed me in confusion . On the one hand I was angry , I listened to the broken record . On the other - in a strange way I felt genuine concern old foreign woman about my eternal life , I did not have enough worries in .vapor cigarette wholesale

I did not try to argue with her . Retirement treat like children . They have a reduced tariff . Besides, I had to tell her that God does not exist , and we all go after the death of nothingness ? After standing over the grave. It could be her last visit in .

I am pleased with this meeting. I learned this and that , of course, if my mohair grandmother was statistically representative of his strange tribe. It's true , mohery are jammed in the faith , to make matters worse comic . They think quite schematically , but exhibit a sincere interest in the good of others. Understand them in their own way ( the conversion ), and I still have the right . This old man came out from the skin , to save me (specifically, the immortal soul , which does not have ) and probably she would have drawn me to the priest if I allowed it . Usually people met in the street are indifferent to . This conversation was pleasant variety.

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