Sunday, January 12, 2014

Electronic Cigarette: tobacconists complain about the crisis and the blame

The Italian Federation tobacconists complaint a huge drop in sales of cigarettes in the last few years , mentioning among the factors that have contributed to the rise of the electronic cigarette also . Along with the electronic cigarettes, the tobacco crisis derives from smuggling, the economic crisis in general and the attention that Italians lend themselves to greater health.

According to reports, sales are down by 10 million kg only in the two years between 2011 and 2013 . This lack of tobacco sales , what effect it has on the boxes erariali ? It seems that only in case of no taxes to tax authorities have already lost 730 million Euros . A beautiful figure !

The Italian Federation of tobacconists, also adds a given longer time . Overall, over the past 10 years, sales have fallen by about 21 million kilograms , of which only 10 million during the boom years of the electronic cigarette .

John Risso , president of the Fit , pointed out that this figure is detrimental to the tobacconists and also to state coffers . In short, if the Italian holds more health, economic crisis sends in the tobacco sector and the tax authorities ? You should feel guilty about it ?electronic cigarette starter kits

increase dell'aggio

The Fit , taking into account the sales slump , calls for the deal to increase the commission due to tobacco . The request is made ​​on behalf of the 56,000 companies that is , in which they work almost 150,000 people.

Svapatori and fans of the electronic cigarette , you feel guilty ?

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