Open debate on a proposed law banning smoking in public places , the electronic cigarette is the only alternative to the classic that it reproduces the appearance, but with a "harmless issue " for the environment . Invented in China, it is an electronic device that generates a "vapor" that can be flavored and may contain nicotine or not .
Conversely Senegal, 6 out of 10 youth have smoked at least once during their vie.Malgré all the " positives " controversy is driven by the electronic cigarette in the world since it became popular among smokers who looking for a less harmful alternative. It is defined by manufacturers as a way to help smokers get rid of their dependence on tobacco . This is in line to be considered a substitute . And many young people find their account .innokin itaste 134
Also in an Italian scientific study , published in the journal PLOS ONE June 2013 , the safety and efficacy related to the electronic cigarette is proven and with or without nicotine in smokers who want to reduce but not stop their tobacco use. The authors conclude that this study demonstrates that the electronic cigarette is a useful way for smokers who want to reduce their tobacco consumption. Although further studies are required for those wishing to stop smoking , the abstinence rate during testing is encouraging.
However, given the endemic poverty in Africa, most of our states do not always have the means to their policy of its war against multinational tobacco . Despite the willingness of anti -tobacco propose a law banning smoking in public places , we already noted an anticipation of young people taking alternative for the electronic cigarette. This new option creates a fear of the authorities to see this become in the latter, a gateway to smoking door.
What about the electronic cigarette? Does A place in the therapeutic arsenal of smoking cessation ? At the moment no, according to the Haute Autorité de Santé ( French institution) , "Today, it would not seriously consider the e-cigarette in help to stop smoking arsenal ," said Dr. Grouchka especially since smoking is a scourge that continues to grow with the youth. But it does not preclude development of recommendations, when sufficiently numerous and reliable studies demonstrate its efficacy and safety in the long term . No question as to prevent smoking vapoter '' '' . " The recommendations of the H.A.S. are not deter smokers who " vapotent " as long as it is temporary and that it falls within an intention to stop or reduce their tobacco consumption , " Dr. Grouchka nuance . Idem, rising prices and the ban on sales to minors are the most relevant argument to fight against this scourge. Indeed, an increase in cigarette prices can have a proven deterrent effect on young people's drinking . Review Paulin , 19 student, "Frankly to quit smoking , do not look for an alternative . I personally have not planned my judgment , it is on a whim I say stop , I take control of my life. It's true that I always notice referred to a judgment but I never planned or structured it or even I pushed . "
Turning to the question of quitting , Angelica, two months pregnant , had to stop when she knew she was expecting a child. "With an average consumption of 2-3 cigarettes / day. I never set a date or goal if not a " when I'm pregnant, then I'll stop ."
Friday, February 21, 2014
CFS, a cloud of smoke around the electronic cigarette
How to regulate the advertising of electronic cigarettes? The CSA has officially enter the Minister of Health to find out where to smoke this palliative device : is it a cigarette or is it a drug ? The expected answer is television and radio , but could have an impact on the websites .
The Plenary Assembly of CSA met in January to describe how the electronic cigarette. The information was officially announced last week by the Higher Audiovisual Council , which is Constable advertising on radio and television antennas .
" The Council noted , in recent weeks , the dissemination of advertising messages that promote electronic cigarettes on the antennae of certain services of radio and television . He decided to ask the Minister of Health , who announced the imminent adoption of a circular on the subject, on several points. "
Electronic cigarette, cigarette or quasi real medicine ?
Specifically, the CSA wants to know if the electronic cigarette constitutes " publicity or propaganda, direct or indirect , of tobacco , tobacco products ." In such a framework , in fact, that piece of plastic meant to replace real cigarette fall under the scope of Article L. 3511-1 of the Public Health Code , which define what legally tobacco.
This is supported by another provision, the L3511 -4 always the Code of Public Health which prohibits " propaganda or advertising for an organization , service , activity , product or an article other than tobacco (...) when, for its graphics , presentation, use of a trademark,kanger clearomizer advertising emblem or other distinctive sign, it reminds tobacco . " Clearly, advertising of tobacco products is prohibited and is incurring its author sentenced to a fine of € 100,000 , or 50% of total spending on communication operations .
Conversely if it is not treated as tobacco , request the CSA , the electronic cigarette can be regarded as a medicine? For the Code of Public Health , again, are " regarded as medicinal products presented as suppressing the urge to smoke or reducing tobacco addiction effect. " . In such a setting , regulations remain strict as these products are including through prior authorization by the National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products authorization.
Smokers thoughts CSA gallop over hot coals because even wonder how to describe nicotine used by these electronic devices.
A promised but not yet published circular
Curls of the response of the Minister of Health are eagerly awaited by professionals who invest online. While these pubs are not regulated by principle and yet by the CSA but the issue raised by it necessarily will impact the propaganda on the internet since the above rules also apply to announcements made by the sites.
Recall that in May 2013, the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine had supported France Info radio that " the electronic cigarette is not an ordinary product and we must apply the same measures as those which are now applied to the tobacco . Ie to ensure that it can not be smoked (...) in a public place , its sale is prohibited to minors (...) and there is no possibility of advertising . "
During the debates on the bill on consumption, which has just raised the ban on selling these cigarettes " simulate the act of smoking " to minors (Article 36), the Minister had assured via a new release will prohibit the advertising ban " applies now , and without new provision ." However, she promised that "a circular explaining how this ban will be published in the coming days ." Problem, while Justice became interested in the subject, never the circular was published as already noted the last October. Asked by our colleagues , the pulmonologist Bertrand Dautzenberg , president of the French Office for the Prevention explained the delay : "The e-cigarette does not exist in French law. However, a circular is an interpretation of existing law. The circular was never released because the department wants to give all means that the text is legally unassailable . "
The Plenary Assembly of CSA met in January to describe how the electronic cigarette. The information was officially announced last week by the Higher Audiovisual Council , which is Constable advertising on radio and television antennas .
" The Council noted , in recent weeks , the dissemination of advertising messages that promote electronic cigarettes on the antennae of certain services of radio and television . He decided to ask the Minister of Health , who announced the imminent adoption of a circular on the subject, on several points. "
Electronic cigarette, cigarette or quasi real medicine ?
Specifically, the CSA wants to know if the electronic cigarette constitutes " publicity or propaganda, direct or indirect , of tobacco , tobacco products ." In such a framework , in fact, that piece of plastic meant to replace real cigarette fall under the scope of Article L. 3511-1 of the Public Health Code , which define what legally tobacco.
This is supported by another provision, the L3511 -4 always the Code of Public Health which prohibits " propaganda or advertising for an organization , service , activity , product or an article other than tobacco (...) when, for its graphics , presentation, use of a trademark,kanger clearomizer advertising emblem or other distinctive sign, it reminds tobacco . " Clearly, advertising of tobacco products is prohibited and is incurring its author sentenced to a fine of € 100,000 , or 50% of total spending on communication operations .
Conversely if it is not treated as tobacco , request the CSA , the electronic cigarette can be regarded as a medicine? For the Code of Public Health , again, are " regarded as medicinal products presented as suppressing the urge to smoke or reducing tobacco addiction effect. " . In such a setting , regulations remain strict as these products are including through prior authorization by the National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products authorization.
Smokers thoughts CSA gallop over hot coals because even wonder how to describe nicotine used by these electronic devices.
A promised but not yet published circular
Curls of the response of the Minister of Health are eagerly awaited by professionals who invest online. While these pubs are not regulated by principle and yet by the CSA but the issue raised by it necessarily will impact the propaganda on the internet since the above rules also apply to announcements made by the sites.
Recall that in May 2013, the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine had supported France Info radio that " the electronic cigarette is not an ordinary product and we must apply the same measures as those which are now applied to the tobacco . Ie to ensure that it can not be smoked (...) in a public place , its sale is prohibited to minors (...) and there is no possibility of advertising . "
During the debates on the bill on consumption, which has just raised the ban on selling these cigarettes " simulate the act of smoking " to minors (Article 36), the Minister had assured via a new release will prohibit the advertising ban " applies now , and without new provision ." However, she promised that "a circular explaining how this ban will be published in the coming days ." Problem, while Justice became interested in the subject, never the circular was published as already noted the last October. Asked by our colleagues , the pulmonologist Bertrand Dautzenberg , president of the French Office for the Prevention explained the delay : "The e-cigarette does not exist in French law. However, a circular is an interpretation of existing law. The circular was never released because the department wants to give all means that the text is legally unassailable . "
Thursday, February 20, 2014
This cigarette costs less and is less detectable by parents that manufactured cigarette.
Atlantico : According to Bertrand Dautzenberg , Professor of Pulmonology and president of the French Office of smoking , 6 % of young people 12 to 14 years tested the e -cigarette. Among them ,had not smoked before. These figures are indicative of they just a fad ?
Gérard Audureau : It is impossible to predict whether that today looks like a fad will not end up becoming a commonplace behavior. Studies in the USA confirm this trend. On leaving college , it is not uncommon to see " boast " some teenagers taking their electronic cigarette decorated exotic taste of another banned alcohol ( Pina colada, mojito, rum coke, are as much flavors available) .
This cigarette costs less and is less detectable by parents that manufactured cigarette. But it has a non negligible addictive potential caused by the presence of nicotine . A perfect product to anchor a little more the idea of an ordinary product , but "fashionable " . Studies are lacking, but it is easy to assume that children who start smoking with the electronic cigarette will eventually become addicted to nicotine. This is potentially a gateway to smoking conventional door.
To what extent these experiments electronic cigarette lead to regular use of it ? And lead to smoking?
Inhaled nicotine , mostly now available in the ingredients of the electronic cigarette does not constitute , in itself , a real danger to health, but has a much greater addictive potential that is associated with sweet aromas . Unlike patches and chewing gums, inhaling the nicotine produces the famous "hit " sought by smokers and greatly contributes to the phenomenon of addiction.
This physical dependence is lined with a taste and behavioral attraction induced by the presence of flavors and perfect simulation of the act of smoking . It is therefore reasonable to fear the passage of the e- cigarette smoking because of the sensation seeking increasingly strong sign of addiction.e cigarette kits
What are the shortcomings and dangers for non-smokers to test the e- cigarette?
Nicotine is a poison that is toxic by ingestion or transdermally . Well tolerated by regular smoking dose can be fatal for a young child . We must not allow the e -liquid bottles at their fingertips. Avoid contact with skin or eyes , it should wash their hands after filling the cartridge and hold the cigarette horizontally to avoid burns language if the cartridge is discharged accidentally .
For over a century and in the collective unconscious , marketing multinational managed to combine alcohol and tobacco consumption symbol of empowerment to make the essential elements of the rite of passage into the adulthood. Fierce desire to offer flavors that combine e- cigarettes the same symbols crossing prohibited for a teenager falls into this same strategy and confirms the avowed purpose of converting the youngest to e- smoking .
Gérard Audureau : It is impossible to predict whether that today looks like a fad will not end up becoming a commonplace behavior. Studies in the USA confirm this trend. On leaving college , it is not uncommon to see " boast " some teenagers taking their electronic cigarette decorated exotic taste of another banned alcohol ( Pina colada, mojito, rum coke, are as much flavors available) .
This cigarette costs less and is less detectable by parents that manufactured cigarette. But it has a non negligible addictive potential caused by the presence of nicotine . A perfect product to anchor a little more the idea of an ordinary product , but "fashionable " . Studies are lacking, but it is easy to assume that children who start smoking with the electronic cigarette will eventually become addicted to nicotine. This is potentially a gateway to smoking conventional door.
To what extent these experiments electronic cigarette lead to regular use of it ? And lead to smoking?
Inhaled nicotine , mostly now available in the ingredients of the electronic cigarette does not constitute , in itself , a real danger to health, but has a much greater addictive potential that is associated with sweet aromas . Unlike patches and chewing gums, inhaling the nicotine produces the famous "hit " sought by smokers and greatly contributes to the phenomenon of addiction.
This physical dependence is lined with a taste and behavioral attraction induced by the presence of flavors and perfect simulation of the act of smoking . It is therefore reasonable to fear the passage of the e- cigarette smoking because of the sensation seeking increasingly strong sign of addiction.e cigarette kits
What are the shortcomings and dangers for non-smokers to test the e- cigarette?
Nicotine is a poison that is toxic by ingestion or transdermally . Well tolerated by regular smoking dose can be fatal for a young child . We must not allow the e -liquid bottles at their fingertips. Avoid contact with skin or eyes , it should wash their hands after filling the cartridge and hold the cigarette horizontally to avoid burns language if the cartridge is discharged accidentally .
For over a century and in the collective unconscious , marketing multinational managed to combine alcohol and tobacco consumption symbol of empowerment to make the essential elements of the rite of passage into the adulthood. Fierce desire to offer flavors that combine e- cigarettes the same symbols crossing prohibited for a teenager falls into this same strategy and confirms the avowed purpose of converting the youngest to e- smoking .
Electronic cigarette: risk of cancer as
Electronic cigarette promotes the development of cancer in people at risk.
In the land of cigarettes, U.S. researchers have shown that the vapor of e-cigarette promotes the growth of cancer cells including lung cancer in people at high risk.
Although an in vitro study, the data from this research presented at the congress of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer ( IASLC ) on molecular origins of lung cancer should be taken seriously.
According to scientists at the University of California , cells ( P53 and KRAS ) , frequently found in smokers and former smokers with lung cancer, react to a previously exposed to vapor e-cigarette liquid. The cells behaved as cancer cells , in particular with a capability of invasiveness in contact with the liquid level of nicotine is considered to be similar to that which the cells of the respiratory tract are exposed when vapotage or cigarette smoke classic .
Thus , scientists sounded the first alarm about the risks assumed the vapotage . They point out that the scientific world should really establish the carcinogenic potential of electronic cigarettes especially as many smokers carry mutations conferring an increased lung cancer risk.
Finally ,electronic cigarette starter kits facing the lobby for the electronic cigarette and many expert reports stating that it is less harmful than conventional cigarettes , the smoker is smoky ...
The total or partial reproduction of this article is strictly prohibited without prior agreement of the author
In the land of cigarettes, U.S. researchers have shown that the vapor of e-cigarette promotes the growth of cancer cells including lung cancer in people at high risk.
Although an in vitro study, the data from this research presented at the congress of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer ( IASLC ) on molecular origins of lung cancer should be taken seriously.
According to scientists at the University of California , cells ( P53 and KRAS ) , frequently found in smokers and former smokers with lung cancer, react to a previously exposed to vapor e-cigarette liquid. The cells behaved as cancer cells , in particular with a capability of invasiveness in contact with the liquid level of nicotine is considered to be similar to that which the cells of the respiratory tract are exposed when vapotage or cigarette smoke classic .
Thus , scientists sounded the first alarm about the risks assumed the vapotage . They point out that the scientific world should really establish the carcinogenic potential of electronic cigarettes especially as many smokers carry mutations conferring an increased lung cancer risk.
Finally ,electronic cigarette starter kits facing the lobby for the electronic cigarette and many expert reports stating that it is less harmful than conventional cigarettes , the smoker is smoky ...
The total or partial reproduction of this article is strictly prohibited without prior agreement of the author
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Electronic Cigarette: Why Argentina prohibits their sale?
Although their sale is legal in much of the world , electronic cigarettes can not be marketed in Argentina. What are the arguments put forward by the Ministry of Health to prohibit the marketing ? We'll tell you in this note.
In 2010, China developed the first electronic cigarette , also known as e- cig, a device that would phase out the consumption of traditional cigarettes and so cut the intake of around 4,000 toxic substances with these products. More than a decade of its release , electronic cigarettes can not be marketed in our country. What are the arguments?electronic cigarettes wholesale
What is an electronic cigarette ?
To understand a little better the controversy over Argentina legislation prohibiting the marketing , it is good to understand what is an electronic cigarette: electronic inhalers is designed to simulate and replace the consumption of snuff . Through a resistor , is heated and vaporized and a liquid -liquid called , based on of nicotine and cigarette -like smell or cigars .wholesale electronic cigarettes
One of the advantages identified by experts and users to support the use of this product is that electronic cigarettes exhale water vapor would not affect the people around the user . Also emphasize that the e- liquid contains only 20 substances , against 4,000 that enter the body by eating a traditional cigarette .
In 2010, China developed the first electronic cigarette , also known as e- cig, a device that would phase out the consumption of traditional cigarettes and so cut the intake of around 4,000 toxic substances with these products. More than a decade of its release , electronic cigarettes can not be marketed in our country. What are the arguments?electronic cigarettes wholesale
What is an electronic cigarette ?
To understand a little better the controversy over Argentina legislation prohibiting the marketing , it is good to understand what is an electronic cigarette: electronic inhalers is designed to simulate and replace the consumption of snuff . Through a resistor , is heated and vaporized and a liquid -liquid called , based on of nicotine and cigarette -like smell or cigars .wholesale electronic cigarettes
One of the advantages identified by experts and users to support the use of this product is that electronic cigarettes exhale water vapor would not affect the people around the user . Also emphasize that the e- liquid contains only 20 substances , against 4,000 that enter the body by eating a traditional cigarette .
"Vaping" is buzzword among smokers, but inhaling the vapor e-cigarette is as safe as it seems?
"Vaping" is buzzword among smokers, but inhaling the vapor e-cigarette is as safe as it seems? Pose questions to our way through the smoke of the doubts.
Smoking back . Smoking rates in 2013 are the lowest in decades. Experts say do not drop the beat would be desirable, but it is a fact: we smoke less. And when we were about to take the bells ringing , someone asks : " Do you smoke or vapeas ? " . Let no one run to the dictionary, the buzzword is not coming, but the verb " vaping " could be defined something like this : said of the action of using an electronic cigarette that emits vapor instead of smoke .wholesale electronic cigarette
The tents of these devices begin to proliferate and sale has tripled in the past two years . Vapean famous on television while attending an awards or grant an interview , the couple 's table next to the restaurant and even the woman who gives you the time in the tail of the fish . That's one of the advantages that have made it so popular, the absence of regulation can dodge bans snuff and can be used anywhere ( although some have already started to put a stop ) . Furthermore, the fact that inhale the vapor instead of smoke causes perceived as a healthier option than cigarettes , and many use it as a first step to quit smoking. However, there are no certainties and many other questions about each of these aspects . Only one thing is clear : the legal vacuum and the lack of studies that support or discourage their use.
But the bottom line is be clear about what medical experts warn that " vaping " is not as harmless as it seems and that is not a risk-free alternative to snuff . The electronic cigarette is a stylish stainless steel cylinder that may have the same appearance as a cigar or bold colors and sophisticated designs. But what matters is what's inside : a cartridge containing a liquid mixture of chemical substances. When inhaling a resistance that heats and converts these liquids in the vapor that the smoker sucks as if it were the cigarette smoke and the released components are absorbed by the lungs lights .
95% is propylene glycol, glycerol or a mixture of both , and other additives ( snuff , mint , fruit, coffee ... ) , flavor , water , coloring ... Usually also contain nicotine in varying concentrations . Pulmonologists believe that there are still significant gaps in knowledge about the effects of the ingredients in the medium and long term. " It should be noted that some brands do not contain nicotine and that that they do contain a smaller percentage than in the usual cigarettes. Propylene glycol and glycerin are safe when used orally. However, when inhaled , its safety has not been clearly demonstrated , "says dr . Carlos Jimenez , director of the Tobacco Research Program of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery ( separ ) .
harmful substances
But besides liquid substances must also consider that occur as a result of heating of the electronic cigarette and appear in the steam. These found formaldehyde , acetaldehyde and acroleínas , which are also present in the smoke of cigarettes classics , though in greater numbers than in this new format . On the other hand , metals such as chromium, lead and nickel (the latter at levels higher than in normal smoke ) are also detected . The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies these substances as carcinogenic without determining a safety threshold for consumption.
More warnings : the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) of U.S. states that have also been detected levels of nitrosamines , anabasine , and b- nicotyryna myosmina , and other dangerous toxic chemicals to health, such as ethylene glycol, used in antifreeze for cars. These compounds are potentially toxic , carcinogenic and harmful , causing sore throat or respiratory tract, causing coughing and choking in some cases. Yes there is a recent study indicating that e- cigarettes can cause changes in the lungs in the short term that are very similar to those caused by conventional cigarettes .
This paper evaluated the impact on lung function and the main results showed that immediately address the increased airway resistance and decreased power driver air through it, its effect being greater in the group of non-smokers and healthy smokers .
Is it less bad than the snuff ?
Is Carlos Jimenez pulmonologist who replied : "Definitely . In the toxic substances contained in the steam and releasing no fewer toxic substances in snuff , but can not be considered safe , are able to cause serious illness , are dangerous to health. Less than cigarettes, but they are. " Conclusion : If you have carcinogenic components are potentially responsible for causing cancer , at least until proven otherwise , and major national and international medical authorities , in the absence of conclusive studies of its effects, have chosen to be governed by the law of prudence.
The World Health Organization advises against using " until there is data showing that they are safe, effective and of acceptable quality products , and this is certified by a competent national regulatory authority ." In Spain , the separ " does not recommend or endorse e-cigarettes in the absence of scientific evidence showing that they are safe in the long term."
Will it help to quit smoking?
Beginning of every year to leave the snuff is the firm intention of many electronic cigarette gains followers as a support . But does it work? Uncertainty is again the answer. Some studies have found that both nicotine-containing and those not , can help people who want to quit smoking and relieve symptoms of withdrawal . However, the dr . Carlos Jimenez explains that " the results are promising and we would like to investigate further but , today , there are no guarantees to recommend its use ."
There can therefore be equated with patches, gum , sprays or other methods because all these other treatments are proven tobacco who have passed the quality controls required of any medical product . In addition , smoking cessation motivation and willpower is needed, and pull electronic cigarette helps perpetuate the habit , which goes beyond the physical addiction to nicotine. And is also largely the like to have a cigarette in hand, inhale and exhale, to use it at certain times or under certain circumstances. In this sense , the use of e- cigarettes perpetuates the gesture and reduces the motivation to quit completely and forever.
From separ also warn of an added risk : although most of its members are people who want to quit or former smokers , a small number of non- smokers also use these products . In many cases it is a dangerous door to start smoking younger .
What does the law say?
Nothing, because there is no governing that . The electronic cigarette was born in China 10 years ago and it is still unclear what this contraption . Not snuff , so he mocks all restrictions imposed by the smoking ban , nor is a therapeutic product , which also avoids the health and quality controls to which the products undergo smoking cessation .
In this legal limbo grows and new habit of " vaping " plays : there are dozens of different brands on the market and no regulations governing or manufacturing, the quality or quantity of their components, or their sale and distribution , or minimum age for use, or places where you can use ... It is sold in tobacconists, in malls , in open places "ad hoc " and even pharmacies. Announced in press and television , famous faces put face to campaigns for some brands , with the risk , experts warn , that the act of smoking again be socially glamorous and cigarette , electronic or not , a fashion . What would be a step behind all the progress in the fight against smoking, a habit that kills 53,000 annually Spaniards.
The Minister of Health has included the issue on its agenda and intends to equate e- cigarette with the other snuff products and , therefore , regulate its sale and prohibit advertising and use in public spaces. Meanwhile and in the absence of national regulations , some communities like Catalonia and Andalusia have taken the initiative and have already been banned in schools and children's rooms , public administration , health care and transportation .
Meanwhile, from medical authorities advocate regulate as a drug product . Thus, in the director of the Program in Tobacco Research Review , three developments will be delivered: and second, it would ensure quality standards , " First, their consumption would be monitored , where and how and thirdly , scientific research of this device , which can offer advantages over traditional snuff consumption has positive aspects and processes of addiction " would be provided .
In other countries around
In Canada , Brazil, Argentina and Australia , for example, marketing is strictly prohibited . Others, like France, have subjected to the same law as the snuff , while in Austria, Denmark, Hungary , Portugal , Estonia , Germany and Slovakia consider the electronic cigarette as a therapeutic forcing therefore spending controls any medicine before being offered for sale . In Belgium and Luxembourg, curl curl and if the load contains extract of snuff is considered a product of snuff , whereas if only contains nicotine is regulated as a drug.
in numbers
Smoking back . Smoking rates in 2013 are the lowest in decades. Experts say do not drop the beat would be desirable, but it is a fact: we smoke less. And when we were about to take the bells ringing , someone asks : " Do you smoke or vapeas ? " . Let no one run to the dictionary, the buzzword is not coming, but the verb " vaping " could be defined something like this : said of the action of using an electronic cigarette that emits vapor instead of smoke .wholesale electronic cigarette
The tents of these devices begin to proliferate and sale has tripled in the past two years . Vapean famous on television while attending an awards or grant an interview , the couple 's table next to the restaurant and even the woman who gives you the time in the tail of the fish . That's one of the advantages that have made it so popular, the absence of regulation can dodge bans snuff and can be used anywhere ( although some have already started to put a stop ) . Furthermore, the fact that inhale the vapor instead of smoke causes perceived as a healthier option than cigarettes , and many use it as a first step to quit smoking. However, there are no certainties and many other questions about each of these aspects . Only one thing is clear : the legal vacuum and the lack of studies that support or discourage their use.
But the bottom line is be clear about what medical experts warn that " vaping " is not as harmless as it seems and that is not a risk-free alternative to snuff . The electronic cigarette is a stylish stainless steel cylinder that may have the same appearance as a cigar or bold colors and sophisticated designs. But what matters is what's inside : a cartridge containing a liquid mixture of chemical substances. When inhaling a resistance that heats and converts these liquids in the vapor that the smoker sucks as if it were the cigarette smoke and the released components are absorbed by the lungs lights .
95% is propylene glycol, glycerol or a mixture of both , and other additives ( snuff , mint , fruit, coffee ... ) , flavor , water , coloring ... Usually also contain nicotine in varying concentrations . Pulmonologists believe that there are still significant gaps in knowledge about the effects of the ingredients in the medium and long term. " It should be noted that some brands do not contain nicotine and that that they do contain a smaller percentage than in the usual cigarettes. Propylene glycol and glycerin are safe when used orally. However, when inhaled , its safety has not been clearly demonstrated , "says dr . Carlos Jimenez , director of the Tobacco Research Program of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery ( separ ) .
harmful substances
But besides liquid substances must also consider that occur as a result of heating of the electronic cigarette and appear in the steam. These found formaldehyde , acetaldehyde and acroleínas , which are also present in the smoke of cigarettes classics , though in greater numbers than in this new format . On the other hand , metals such as chromium, lead and nickel (the latter at levels higher than in normal smoke ) are also detected . The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies these substances as carcinogenic without determining a safety threshold for consumption.
More warnings : the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) of U.S. states that have also been detected levels of nitrosamines , anabasine , and b- nicotyryna myosmina , and other dangerous toxic chemicals to health, such as ethylene glycol, used in antifreeze for cars. These compounds are potentially toxic , carcinogenic and harmful , causing sore throat or respiratory tract, causing coughing and choking in some cases. Yes there is a recent study indicating that e- cigarettes can cause changes in the lungs in the short term that are very similar to those caused by conventional cigarettes .
This paper evaluated the impact on lung function and the main results showed that immediately address the increased airway resistance and decreased power driver air through it, its effect being greater in the group of non-smokers and healthy smokers .
Is it less bad than the snuff ?
Is Carlos Jimenez pulmonologist who replied : "Definitely . In the toxic substances contained in the steam and releasing no fewer toxic substances in snuff , but can not be considered safe , are able to cause serious illness , are dangerous to health. Less than cigarettes, but they are. " Conclusion : If you have carcinogenic components are potentially responsible for causing cancer , at least until proven otherwise , and major national and international medical authorities , in the absence of conclusive studies of its effects, have chosen to be governed by the law of prudence.
The World Health Organization advises against using " until there is data showing that they are safe, effective and of acceptable quality products , and this is certified by a competent national regulatory authority ." In Spain , the separ " does not recommend or endorse e-cigarettes in the absence of scientific evidence showing that they are safe in the long term."
Will it help to quit smoking?
Beginning of every year to leave the snuff is the firm intention of many electronic cigarette gains followers as a support . But does it work? Uncertainty is again the answer. Some studies have found that both nicotine-containing and those not , can help people who want to quit smoking and relieve symptoms of withdrawal . However, the dr . Carlos Jimenez explains that " the results are promising and we would like to investigate further but , today , there are no guarantees to recommend its use ."
There can therefore be equated with patches, gum , sprays or other methods because all these other treatments are proven tobacco who have passed the quality controls required of any medical product . In addition , smoking cessation motivation and willpower is needed, and pull electronic cigarette helps perpetuate the habit , which goes beyond the physical addiction to nicotine. And is also largely the like to have a cigarette in hand, inhale and exhale, to use it at certain times or under certain circumstances. In this sense , the use of e- cigarettes perpetuates the gesture and reduces the motivation to quit completely and forever.
From separ also warn of an added risk : although most of its members are people who want to quit or former smokers , a small number of non- smokers also use these products . In many cases it is a dangerous door to start smoking younger .
What does the law say?
Nothing, because there is no governing that . The electronic cigarette was born in China 10 years ago and it is still unclear what this contraption . Not snuff , so he mocks all restrictions imposed by the smoking ban , nor is a therapeutic product , which also avoids the health and quality controls to which the products undergo smoking cessation .
In this legal limbo grows and new habit of " vaping " plays : there are dozens of different brands on the market and no regulations governing or manufacturing, the quality or quantity of their components, or their sale and distribution , or minimum age for use, or places where you can use ... It is sold in tobacconists, in malls , in open places "ad hoc " and even pharmacies. Announced in press and television , famous faces put face to campaigns for some brands , with the risk , experts warn , that the act of smoking again be socially glamorous and cigarette , electronic or not , a fashion . What would be a step behind all the progress in the fight against smoking, a habit that kills 53,000 annually Spaniards.
The Minister of Health has included the issue on its agenda and intends to equate e- cigarette with the other snuff products and , therefore , regulate its sale and prohibit advertising and use in public spaces. Meanwhile and in the absence of national regulations , some communities like Catalonia and Andalusia have taken the initiative and have already been banned in schools and children's rooms , public administration , health care and transportation .
Meanwhile, from medical authorities advocate regulate as a drug product . Thus, in the director of the Program in Tobacco Research Review , three developments will be delivered: and second, it would ensure quality standards , " First, their consumption would be monitored , where and how and thirdly , scientific research of this device , which can offer advantages over traditional snuff consumption has positive aspects and processes of addiction " would be provided .
In other countries around
In Canada , Brazil, Argentina and Australia , for example, marketing is strictly prohibited . Others, like France, have subjected to the same law as the snuff , while in Austria, Denmark, Hungary , Portugal , Estonia , Germany and Slovakia consider the electronic cigarette as a therapeutic forcing therefore spending controls any medicine before being offered for sale . In Belgium and Luxembourg, curl curl and if the load contains extract of snuff is considered a product of snuff , whereas if only contains nicotine is regulated as a drug.
in numbers
Electronic Cigarette: What nicotine should I choose?
EDITORIAL The use of the electronic cigarette has experienced a considerable increase in the last year . Many smokers are opting for this device in order to progressively abandon the habit or at least reduce the dependency and the negative consequences of nicotine.ego electronic cigarette wholesale
There are many questions about the use of e cigarette. One of the most commonly formulated by their consumer refers to the amount of nicotine to be inserted into them . It is a simple question and there are different opinions , since it does not depend only on the number of cigarettes smoked per day , but the weight and build of the smoker and also their age.
The nicotine is obtained from the leaf extract and snuff is framed within the group of psychotropic drugs which generate stimulant dependence . It has a vasoconstrictor effect , which means that narrows blood vessels and capillaries, promotes increased heart rate and raises blood pressure.
Specialty stores that dispense electronic cigarettes and supplies for use and maintenance also sell small containers of liquid nicotine. How do you know which is the amount we use? Nothing better to consult with employees of the establishment, but here are some guidelines for informational purposes , always with the quantity of traditional cigarettes smoked daily as guide to consider :
Fluids 12 mg / ml Nicotine is the scale that would be suitable for people who prefer to nicotine, but not too often vapean smoke cigarettes or ' lights' .
Fluids 6 mg / ml nicotine : This pack would be advisable for smokers who want to enjoy the lowest possible level of nicotine side while the taste of the new fluid.
Liquids of 0 mg / ml nicotine : Recommended generally for people who already left the smoking but still have the habit of feeling with a cigarette in his mouth and use e to satisfy .electronic cigarette wholesale supplier
Smokers who already use the electronic cigarette recommend start using liquids that greater nicotine containing and within several weeks go by lowering the dose in order to progressively quit, because if you bet for liquids with less nicotine the smoker may start thinking that did not help to calm your anxiety.
There are many questions about the use of e cigarette. One of the most commonly formulated by their consumer refers to the amount of nicotine to be inserted into them . It is a simple question and there are different opinions , since it does not depend only on the number of cigarettes smoked per day , but the weight and build of the smoker and also their age.
The nicotine is obtained from the leaf extract and snuff is framed within the group of psychotropic drugs which generate stimulant dependence . It has a vasoconstrictor effect , which means that narrows blood vessels and capillaries, promotes increased heart rate and raises blood pressure.
Specialty stores that dispense electronic cigarettes and supplies for use and maintenance also sell small containers of liquid nicotine. How do you know which is the amount we use? Nothing better to consult with employees of the establishment, but here are some guidelines for informational purposes , always with the quantity of traditional cigarettes smoked daily as guide to consider :
Fluids 12 mg / ml Nicotine is the scale that would be suitable for people who prefer to nicotine, but not too often vapean smoke cigarettes or ' lights' .
Fluids 6 mg / ml nicotine : This pack would be advisable for smokers who want to enjoy the lowest possible level of nicotine side while the taste of the new fluid.
Liquids of 0 mg / ml nicotine : Recommended generally for people who already left the smoking but still have the habit of feeling with a cigarette in his mouth and use e to satisfy .electronic cigarette wholesale supplier
Smokers who already use the electronic cigarette recommend start using liquids that greater nicotine containing and within several weeks go by lowering the dose in order to progressively quit, because if you bet for liquids with less nicotine the smoker may start thinking that did not help to calm your anxiety.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Whether the e-cigarette falls under the NRW Non smoking protection law should now be resolved in court.
He is a nephew of the Espelkamp slot machines manufacturer Paul Gauselmann . NRW has one of the sharpest Non smoking protection laws. The smokers have to do without in many places on tobacco consumption. At the same time the e- cigarettes are on the rise. For the Ministry of Health is clear that the e -cigarette falls under the law.wholesale vapor cigarettes
Some restaurant owners and arcade operators see it differently . They complain of sales declines , since the law came into force in May 2013. In the Spielotheken turnover is since fallen by 15 to 20 percent , says Paul Gauselmann slot machine manufacturers . When his nephew Manfred Gauselmann was asked by the clerk's office Rheda- Wiedenbrück to take action against e- cigarettes, this went before the Administrative Court in Minden. Previously, the district court had set the penalty proceedings .vapor cigarette wholesale
In the Cologne process laments an innkeeper . His lawyer is the administrative law professor Holger Schwemer . Schwemer has written a report for the association of e- cigarette trade. Thus, the e- cigarette is not covered by the Non smoking protection law. The legal text mention the e- cigarette does not explicitly . There will only spoken of the " smoking ", " and thus the process of pyrolysis, to which it does not come in the use of e- cigarette ." The e- cigarette is a device for inhaling vaporized liquid in place of cigarette smoke.
Health Minister Barbara Steffens ( Green ) disagrees: is in the grounds of the bill was clearly referred to e- cigarettes, says ministry spokesman Christoph Meinerz . Man leaning closely on a clarification of the federal government in December 2011. It states : " The federal government believes that electronic cigarettes basically fall under the Federal Non smoking protection law , because this law regulates a total ban without > Smoking is < differentiated in terms of consumption of certain product groups such as cigarettes, cigars, herbal cigarettes or electric cigarettes. "
In addition, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR) in February 2012 have emphasized that risk to third parties " according to present knowledge can not be excluded " were . There are so many different liquids , the so-called Liquids that was questionable what a smoker in the specific case actually inhale . » BfR recommends to treat e- cigarettes in Non smoking areas like traditional cigarettes and to prohibit the e- smoking there. "electronic cigarette starter kits
It now must decide the administrative courts . Dates for the negotiations are not yet fixed . The Administrative Court in Minden seeks a decision claims to be well until after the verdict in Cologne
Some restaurant owners and arcade operators see it differently . They complain of sales declines , since the law came into force in May 2013. In the Spielotheken turnover is since fallen by 15 to 20 percent , says Paul Gauselmann slot machine manufacturers . When his nephew Manfred Gauselmann was asked by the clerk's office Rheda- Wiedenbrück to take action against e- cigarettes, this went before the Administrative Court in Minden. Previously, the district court had set the penalty proceedings .vapor cigarette wholesale
In the Cologne process laments an innkeeper . His lawyer is the administrative law professor Holger Schwemer . Schwemer has written a report for the association of e- cigarette trade. Thus, the e- cigarette is not covered by the Non smoking protection law. The legal text mention the e- cigarette does not explicitly . There will only spoken of the " smoking ", " and thus the process of pyrolysis, to which it does not come in the use of e- cigarette ." The e- cigarette is a device for inhaling vaporized liquid in place of cigarette smoke.
Health Minister Barbara Steffens ( Green ) disagrees: is in the grounds of the bill was clearly referred to e- cigarettes, says ministry spokesman Christoph Meinerz . Man leaning closely on a clarification of the federal government in December 2011. It states : " The federal government believes that electronic cigarettes basically fall under the Federal Non smoking protection law , because this law regulates a total ban without > Smoking is < differentiated in terms of consumption of certain product groups such as cigarettes, cigars, herbal cigarettes or electric cigarettes. "
In addition, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR) in February 2012 have emphasized that risk to third parties " according to present knowledge can not be excluded " were . There are so many different liquids , the so-called Liquids that was questionable what a smoker in the specific case actually inhale . » BfR recommends to treat e- cigarettes in Non smoking areas like traditional cigarettes and to prohibit the e- smoking there. "electronic cigarette starter kits
It now must decide the administrative courts . Dates for the negotiations are not yet fixed . The Administrative Court in Minden seeks a decision claims to be well until after the verdict in Cologne
E-cigarette: Glamour, Glump or health products?
" Smokes " Here originally stood , which, as experts point to the forum, and politically erroneous assumptions : The politically relevant attitudes to e-cigarettes is rarely so clearly as in the former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the electric vapors ( Einf. result has ) summarily equated with tobacco smoking and as the last official act decreed before his departure , that existing bans on smoking in public places of the city - jobs, restaurants, bars, parks and beaches - also applies to e-cigarettes. Representative of the position that e - "smoking" is less dangerous and less harmful in the American metropolis had no success .
E-Cigarettes on prescription for smoking cessation
In the UK, they could gain a success with remarkable effect of a current message according to it. According to information of the Guardian could be two e - cigarette manufacturers, including receive a subsidiary of British American Tobacco , licenses, after which they are recognized as a drug for smoking cessation , would resulting follow that their purchase is paid by the National Health System NHS at least partially .wholesale e cig
Whether they ultimately the Yes of the Authority, the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority is obtained, of course, is not fixed yet . According to the report , the British company Nicoltes good chance acknowledges, however , you should come a long way . To the favorable outlook also matters that the authority itself , manufacturers being encouraged to apply for such licenses , so might as nicotine limits can be agreed.wholesale electronic cigarette
Penalties for the sale of e - cigarettes to minors
As contradictory as smoking ( " steaming " ) is considered by e-cigarettes - those who see it as a withdrawal from tobacco smoking, are the opposite , rather see it as an introduction , an image -like appreciation of smoking - are so contradictory and the measures to be taken in this respect in the UK. So this week should be a law that for the first time makes the sale of tobacco cigarettes from adults to children a criminal offense , with fines of up to 3,000 euros .
The sale of e-cigarettes excluded. The medical adviser to the government have pointed out that we can not yet say how harmful is inhaling the qualms for the health of young people, they made this claim that " more and more children evaporate e - cigarettes to be dependent on nicotine to be and go to tobacco smoking " .electronic cigarette kits
E-Cigarettes on prescription for smoking cessation
In the UK, they could gain a success with remarkable effect of a current message according to it. According to information of the Guardian could be two e - cigarette manufacturers, including receive a subsidiary of British American Tobacco , licenses, after which they are recognized as a drug for smoking cessation , would resulting follow that their purchase is paid by the National Health System NHS at least partially .wholesale e cig
Whether they ultimately the Yes of the Authority, the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority is obtained, of course, is not fixed yet . According to the report , the British company Nicoltes good chance acknowledges, however , you should come a long way . To the favorable outlook also matters that the authority itself , manufacturers being encouraged to apply for such licenses , so might as nicotine limits can be agreed.wholesale electronic cigarette
Penalties for the sale of e - cigarettes to minors
As contradictory as smoking ( " steaming " ) is considered by e-cigarettes - those who see it as a withdrawal from tobacco smoking, are the opposite , rather see it as an introduction , an image -like appreciation of smoking - are so contradictory and the measures to be taken in this respect in the UK. So this week should be a law that for the first time makes the sale of tobacco cigarettes from adults to children a criminal offense , with fines of up to 3,000 euros .
The sale of e-cigarettes excluded. The medical adviser to the government have pointed out that we can not yet say how harmful is inhaling the qualms for the health of young people, they made this claim that " more and more children evaporate e - cigarettes to be dependent on nicotine to be and go to tobacco smoking " .electronic cigarette kits
Marlboro parent company relies on e-cigarettes
Vapor instead of smoke , but does burn care: The U.S. tobacco company Altria , which also belongs Marlboro , buys more than $ 100 million a company that deserves e- cigarette money. Overseer grumble about the new butts, they are regulated, " like the Wild West ."
Real cowboys, the real smoke cigarettes - this Image Marlboro has worked for decades with its advertising campaigns. The battery-powered e- cigarette had heard the group Altria Group , to the Marlboro, far to seek little. The replacement cigarettes are considered less cool (if you can still find smoking cool) , but as not as harmful . In Western countries, people smoke for years, become less - now the corporations rush to the e- cigarettes, their harmful effects is still controversial.
The consumption of conventional cigarettes also shrinks in the U.S.. Leader Altria therefore wants to earn money with e- cigarettes , reports the Wall Street Journal. The Group purchases the e- cigarette Green Smoke company for 110 million dollars. The company has been established since 2009 in the market through online trading .
Currently, Altria is already testing its own e- cigarette brand "Mark Ten" in sales. With the purchase of Green Smoke , the Group is now trying to keep up in the fast growing market of e- cigarettes.
Altria controls about half of the U.S. cigarette market. The number two and three of the U.S. tobacco companies , Reynolds American and Lorillard , have already invested millions of dollars into the development of e- cigarette brands . The Group takes its name since 2003 , before he was called Philip Morris. The Manager appointed him to fear , the recently bad image of tobacco could harm them. With more and more smoking bans and lawsuits from cancer victims , the pressure was increased to the industry.e cig wholesale
In an electric cigarette burns no tobacco . Instead vaporizes a nicotine-containing liquid using a battery. The authority responsible for Food Safety and Drug Administration in the U.S. has warned consumers in 2009 from the effects of e- cigarette. The groups are free , namely, how much nicotine they enforce the liquid and how they make the e- cigarette.
Later this year, the authority to bring a proposal to the hitherto uncontrolled e- cigarette market can be regulated. The fact is lawless " like the Wild West ," said the head of the authority , Mitch Zeller .
Real cowboys, the real smoke cigarettes - this Image Marlboro has worked for decades with its advertising campaigns. The battery-powered e- cigarette had heard the group Altria Group , to the Marlboro, far to seek little. The replacement cigarettes are considered less cool (if you can still find smoking cool) , but as not as harmful . In Western countries, people smoke for years, become less - now the corporations rush to the e- cigarettes, their harmful effects is still controversial.
The consumption of conventional cigarettes also shrinks in the U.S.. Leader Altria therefore wants to earn money with e- cigarettes , reports the Wall Street Journal. The Group purchases the e- cigarette Green Smoke company for 110 million dollars. The company has been established since 2009 in the market through online trading .
Currently, Altria is already testing its own e- cigarette brand "Mark Ten" in sales. With the purchase of Green Smoke , the Group is now trying to keep up in the fast growing market of e- cigarettes.
Altria controls about half of the U.S. cigarette market. The number two and three of the U.S. tobacco companies , Reynolds American and Lorillard , have already invested millions of dollars into the development of e- cigarette brands . The Group takes its name since 2003 , before he was called Philip Morris. The Manager appointed him to fear , the recently bad image of tobacco could harm them. With more and more smoking bans and lawsuits from cancer victims , the pressure was increased to the industry.e cig wholesale
In an electric cigarette burns no tobacco . Instead vaporizes a nicotine-containing liquid using a battery. The authority responsible for Food Safety and Drug Administration in the U.S. has warned consumers in 2009 from the effects of e- cigarette. The groups are free , namely, how much nicotine they enforce the liquid and how they make the e- cigarette.
Later this year, the authority to bring a proposal to the hitherto uncontrolled e- cigarette market can be regulated. The fact is lawless " like the Wild West ," said the head of the authority , Mitch Zeller .
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Electronic cigarette connected by Smokio.
A start-up offers an electronic cigarette. So far, nothing new. Except that the latter is directly connected to the smartphone , which is a novelty in the field .
French creation, it is the result of collaboration between two young entrepreneurs , and Steve Alexander Prot Anavi to allow smokers to clearly assess their intake of nicotine. Indeed, the criticism is often made electronic cigarettes do not allow to judge quantitatively consumption.
Entrepreneurs say "The real innovation that we bring is the battery that is connected. For this, we have developed a chip, which is manufactured by a French subcontractor . " This chip is connected Bluetooth low energy , which consumes little power, and can collect and analyze data from the smoker. On the production side , the cigarette is assembled in China, with the intervention of a third partner , Emrah Cerr .
Through Smokio application, available on the iPhone now but soon on Android is now done ! The application specifies the number of puffs and the equivalent Vapoteuse cigarettes . As shown Prot Alexander , co-founder , "The most important thing is to measure the impact of smoking cessation for smoking ."
In addition, the application also allows you to measure the savings through the electronic cigarette. A "counter" is available and filled that role.
But Smokio not stop there. The application also has the function to "assess the impact of smoking cessation on health, including the improvement of taste and smell, heartbeat ." To do this, they are based on U.S. studies , which allows the application to give you an idea but it is not 100% reliable . Indeed , the consequences of vapotage health have not yet been demonstrated.electronic cigarette starter kits
Who says French creation tells price? No, smoking is priced at 79.90 euros, compatible with standard tanks already on the market . At all connected , no doubt that this product will make a few followers.
Few smoke and doubts about electronic cigarettes
Maybe the image of someone holding between fingers an electronic cigarette (e- cig ) follow arousing curiosity, but considering that its consumption has tripled in the last two years , is no longer a rarity. According to a report by Euromonitor International research agency spending habits , sales of electronic cigarettes in the world in 2012 reached 2,000 million euros. In Europe exceeded 500 million euros and now represent between 2 and 3% of total sales of the tobacco industry , with a consumption of 7 million vaporizers. In Spain , studies by the industry itself estimated at about 900,000 the number of vapeadores , which would mean about 10 % of traditional smoking . Across the country there are already over 300 specialty stores. And all this despite the fact that there is still no conclusive study about their health risks or its effectiveness as a method to quit snuff , one of the main reasons that lead many users to try. " The price seems unobtrusive enough to give it a try ," says Mario (34 years) , smoking daily pack and a newcomer to the world of e- cig . " I opted for the mode without nicotine I just wear a week, but clearly reduces the psychological monkey. moment I managed to lower my consumption to half normal cigarettes. the key , he adds, is that , unlike patches, gum or lozenges , here if you do the gesture smoking, and you think , though, of course , do not have that punch of habitual cigarette throat . I advise to reduce consumption , but would not say it is a remedy to quit . " In 2008 , the World Health Organization made it clear that it is not proven that electronic cigarettes will serve to quit. And the British Medical Journal warned that , in fact, may represent a way to retain the habit among those who want to leave and to return to their consumption socialize indoors. In this sense, the Spanish Association Against Cáncerdestaca that " smokers have become accustomed to staying quit for hours ( ... ) and for many, has been an incentive to try to quit smoking completely . If you start using the electronic cigarette, they become accustomed to using a cigarette substitute in areas where they had learned to live without smoking " . Regarding their health effects , there is no consensus at the moment ( largely because the substances including vary from one brand to another) , although warnings. The American Society of Chest Physicians has determined that the product has adverse effects on the lungs and breathing capacity , a conclusion shared the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) indicates that some of the components of all brands , such as distilled water , vegetable glycerin or glycerol and propylene glycol ( potentially carcinogenic ) - can be risky . Except nicotine, these liquid substances are commonly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The risks are studied focus on whether these products , inhaled rather than ingested , can be harmful. Earlier this year , scientists at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute of Buffal (USA ) published a study, funded by a pharmaceutical treatments against smoking and a manufacturer of e- cigarettes, according to which those who inhale the vapor of this product may be exposed to nicotine but not other chemicals in smoke snuff . To Helena ( 40), its commitment to the electronic cigarette is all about health and the economy . "Normally you only smoke with friends, and with electronic cigarettes I enjoy the social aspect of smoking making less damage to my body not I see particularly addictive. vapeos After a few no longer need to continue smoking . and a rechargeable pack is expensive, but the liquid nicotine is cheap , so that in the end cost less than traditional cigarettes. " In Spain , the price of electronic cigarette ranges between 30 and 60 euros , depending on the brand and kits (you can buy just the cigarette or include rechargeable battery , charger, replacement cartridges ) . Each cartridge , the price varies between 6 and 10 euros, given to an average of 600 puffs .
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Electronic cigarettes, snuff consumption falls after Christmas.
The figures given by the Commissioner for the Tobacco Market reveal a continued decline since 2008 : from 4.514 million of packs sold in 2008 went to a total of 2,671 million in 2012, with an estimated average decrease of 11% annually . The most recent data provided by the agency, referring to November 2013 show a decrease of 8'8 % over the same period last year. Data revealing a phenomenon explicable by several factors : increased taxation, public awareness about health, an increasingly tough legislation and the economic crisis have prompted many consumers to change their habits.wholesale electronic cigarette
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electronic cigarettes |
These factors can not ignore the emergence on the market of electronic cigarettes . Although shy at first , demand for electronic cigarettes has skyrocketed in recent years as many dealers claim as is well perceptible socially . This Christmas , without going any further , the electronic cigarette has been one of the star, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by many national media . Data are not yet applicable in our country globally to this emerging sector , but in the United States *, where the electronic cigarette industry has tripled its sales in 2013 to reach a figure of around 2% of total market turnover traditional tobacco . In four years of existence , the new sector has a turnover of more than 1,500 million dollars, 1.7% of the tobacco industry , which recorded a whole a total volume of around 90,000 million. A lack of accurate data can only speculate , but both the media attention to the electronic cigarette as the growing popularity of these devices - today it is rare that someone comes close to a fan vaping to ask what it is that holds between hands tell us that the figures in Europe and in Spain should not be far behind .e cig wholesale
This Christmas we have seen a proliferation of electronic cigarettes in our bars , restaurants and cafes. Representing alternative motivated many to give these much cheaper , healthier and socially accepted than conventional devices snuff . The demand pull in turn has encouraged the emergence of specialized stores , both online and physical . One of the pioneers in our country portals VitalCigar , whose website comprehensive information on the electronic cigarette and one of the most comprehensive online product catalogs, fluids and accessories for lovers of vaping is offered .electronic cigarette wholesale usa
Published by public agencies and private operators of data detailing the fall in consumption of snuff for the benefit of the electronic cigarette in these recent holidays are expected soon . The statistics provide arguments for treating light and rigorously pending legislative debate in the European Union. Pending official data, the only certainty is that the replacement of traditional snuff for electronic cigarettes is an unstoppable trend worldwide .
Is an e-cigarette a cigarette? - Dispute goes to court
North Rhine -Westphalia has one of the sharpest Non smoking protection laws in Germany . The smokers have to do without in many places on tobacco consumption . At the same time the so-called e- cigarettes are on the rise, as a kind of substitute drug .wholesale vapor cigarettes
For the Ministry of Health is crystal clear that the e -cigarette falls under the law. Many a restaurateur or game room operator sees things differently. In the coming months, the first time the administrative courts in Cologne and Minden must therefore deal with the dispute . The restaurant owners are complaining about declining sales , since the Law on Protection of Non smoking came into force in May 2013.wholesale e cigarettes
In the Spielotheken turnover is since fallen by 15 to 20 percent complained Slots King Paul Gauselmann . The cigarette industry is likely to have an interest in ensuring that the e -cigarette is an alternative. At around 500 million euros of turnover is estimated using the e- cigarettes in the EU . Emphasizes the German cigarette association , the influence of the e- cigarette was in 2013 , " not quantifiable " and therefore not an issue.
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e- cigarettes |
The tobacco companies but are already on the market or are preparing to , mitzumischen in the e- cigarettes, such as RJ Reynolds, British American Tobacco and Lorillard , the U.S. group . So far, the products are mainly from China. Well not entirely coincidental about the two pending proceedings on familiar names .
In Rheda -Wiedenbrück operates the nephew Paul Gauselmanns , Manfred Gauselmann , a gambling hall . As the clerk's office asking him to take action against e- cigarettes there , he moved before the Administrative Court Minden. Previously, the district court had set the penalty proceedings . And Paul Gauselmann sent word through his spokesman that the e -cigarette "is a marginal occurrence , which we still largely tolerate the moment " in the Mercury Spielotheken . They would however intervene if someone should feel harassed , "or there is a unique national legislation . "
In the Cologne process laments an innkeeper . His lawyer is the administrative law professor Holger Schwemer . Schwemer has written a report for the Association of eZigarettenhandels . Then the e - cigarette is not covered by the Non smoking protection law. The legal text mention the e- cigarette does not explicitly . There 'll only from " smoking " speaking, "and thus the process of pyrolysis, to which it does not come in the use of e- cigarette ."
Not surprisingly , that the house of Minister of Health Barbara Steffens ( Green ) has a very different view on things. Was in the explanatory memorandum of the draft law has been clearly referred to e- cigarettes, says ministry spokesman Christoph Meinerz . You reject yourself as close to a clarification of the federal government in December 2011, says the spokesman.
It says: " The federal government believes that electronic cigarettes basically fall under the Federal Non smoking protection law , because this law regulates a total ban without " smoking " in terms of consumption of certain product groups, such as cigarettes , cigars, herbal cigarettes or electric cigarette is differentiated. " in addition, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR) have emphasized in February 2012 , that threats to a third party " can not be ruled according to present knowledge " are .
There are so many different liquids , the so-called Liquids that was questionable what a smoker in the specific case actually inhale . " BfR recommends to treat e- cigarettes in Non smoking areas like traditional cigarettes and to prohibit the e- smoking there. "ego electronic cigarette wholesale
It now must decide the administrative courts . Concrete hearing dates are not yet available .
Is an e-cigarette a cigarette?
NRW has one of the sharpest Non smoking protection laws in Germany. Now a dispute over e- cigarettes is kindled . For the Ministry of Health , they fall under the law , innkeepers see it differently .
North Rhine -Westphalia has one of the sharpest Non smoking protection laws in Germany . The smokers have to do without in many places on tobacco consumption . At the same time the so-called e- cigarettes are on the rise, as a kind of substitute drug .
For the Ministry of Health is crystal clear that the e -cigarette falls under the law. Many a restaurateur or game room operator sees things differently. In the coming months, the first time the administrative courts in Cologne and Minden must therefore deal with the dispute .
The restaurant owners are complaining about declining sales , since the Law on Protection of Non smoking came into force in May 2013. In the Spielotheken turnover is since fallen by 15 to 20 percent complained Slots King Paul Gauselmann . The cigarette industry is likely to have an interest in ensuring that the e -cigarette is an alternative.
At around 500 million euros of turnover is estimated using the e- cigarettes in the EU . Emphasizes the German cigarette association , the influence of the e- cigarette was in 2013 " not quantifiable" and therefore not an issue.
" A marginal incident"
The tobacco companies but are already on the market or are preparing to , mitzumischen in the e- cigarettes, such as RJ Reynolds, British American Tobacco and Lorillard , the U.S. group . So far, the products are mainly from China.
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e- cigarettes |
Well not entirely coincidental about the two pending proceedings on familiar names . In Rheda -Wiedenbrück operates the nephew Paul Gauselmanns , Manfred Gauselmann , a gambling hall . As the clerk's office asking him to take action against e- cigarettes there , he moved before the Administrative Court Minden. Previously, the district court had set the penalty proceedings .
And Paul Gauselmann sent word through his spokesman that the e - cigarette " is a marginal occurrence , which we still largely tolerate the moment " in the Mercury Spielotheken . They would however intervene if someone should feel harassed , "or there is a clear provincial rules and regulation " .
In the Cologne process laments an innkeeper . His lawyer is the administrative law professor Holger Schwemer . Schwemer has written a report for the Association of eZigarettenhandels . Then the e - cigarette is not covered by the Non smoking protection law. The legal text mention the e- cigarette does not explicitly . There will only spoken of "smoking" , " and thus the process of pyrolysis, to which it does not come in the use of e- cigarette" .
" Risk to third parties is not possible"
Not surprisingly , that the house of Minister of Health Barbara Steffens ( Green ) has a very different view on things. Was in the explanatory memorandum of the draft law has been clearly referred to e- cigarettes, says ministry spokesman Christoph Meinerz .e cig wholesale
You reject yourself as close to a clarification of the federal government in December 2011, says the spokesman. It says: "The federal government believes that electronic cigarettes basically fall under the Federal Non smoking protection law because this law regulates a total ban without " smoking " in terms of consumption of certain product groups, such as cigarettes , cigars, herbal cigarettes or electric cigarette is differentiated. "wholesale e cig
In addition, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR) in February 2012 have emphasized that threats to a third party "reasonably possible based on current knowledge " are . There are so many different liquids , the so-called Liquids that was questionable what a smoker in the specific case actually inhale .
" BfR recommends , therefore, to treat e- cigarettes in Non smoking areas like traditional cigarettes and to prohibit the e- smoking there." It now must decide the administrative courts . Concrete hearing dates are not yet available .
The electronic cigarette has invaded the streets
The electronic cigarette has invaded the streets. Today, we no longer smoke it " vapote " . Practical advice, misconceptions , and scientific debates around the " ecig " explanations , it is now in " square head " !
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electronic cigarettes wholesale |
For all smokers who say " I did everything to stop smoking," the discovery of the electronic cigarette seems to be a revelation! You would have 1.5 million already tested the electronic cigarette! Should we all be afraid when you're smoking ? She provides the same pleasure without the dangers associated with tobacco ? What are its components? How to use? Can I become addicted? According to the High Health Authority who just spoke on the topic, " International Studies are now too limited for us to recommend electronic cigarettes as an aid to smoking cessation ."
This is far from the opinion of Dr. Philippe Presles , author of " The Electronic Cigarette . Finally, the method to quit smoking easily "published Versilio who has not found a way more efficient and enjoyable to stop smoking .electronic cigarettes wholesale
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Patches rather than the electronic cigarette to stop smoking
To stop smoking , the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends using conventional nicotine replacement ( patches , gum , lozenges, oral spray ) rather than the e- cigarette, the effectiveness and potential risks have not been adequately studied.
"Due to insufficient data on the evidence of their effectiveness and safety, it is not currently possible to recommend electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation or reduction of smoking ," said the HAS in a series of recommendations published Tuesday.wholesale e cig
Yes, but ...
At the same time , HAS believes that its use " should not be discouraged " in a smoker refusing conventional substitutes insofar as " electronic cigarettes are supposed to be less dangerous than tobacco ."
It "must be part of a strategy to reduce or stop smoking with psychological support ," added the High Authority , an independent public body whose primary role is the assessment of medical practices.
The opinion of the HAS was highly anticipated as the electronic cigarette has become a social phenomenon since nearly one in five French say they have already tested , according to a recent Ipsos .
Unlike conventional cigarettes sold in tobacconists , the e- cigarette contains no tobacco , no tar , no carbon monoxide, is sold in specialty shops.
Considered a consumer product, it escapes both the regulations applicable to drugs and tobacco controls , reports HAS advocating the establishment of a series of studies "clinical" and " observational " to take stock of the effectiveness and lack of toxicity of the e -cigarette.
The electronic cigarette is a hit in schools
Fashion moves . "I do not smoke , sir, I ' vapote '!" That can meet a high school principal about it? In the absence of a clear status , heads of secondary schools are forced to improvise enthusiasts students of the electronic cigarette . Because even if it is prohibited to minors in France , fashion moves .
" This is great , it has great taste and is good for health," and boasts micro Europe 1 Antoine , Paris schoolboy who " vapote " with his comrade to each output class , and sometimes even during .e cig wholesale
First, the e-cigarette, then the cigarette. Loaded with nicotine , e-cigarettes may yet lead students , including minors, to contract an addiction. The first time Romain smoked , it was an electronic cigarette ... purchased the day of his 14th birthday . "It was fun . Nowadays I smoke five cigarettes ( normal ) per day ," he says . As a result, principals try somehow prevent "steam" to spread their establishments.
If students vapotent , Michel Richard , principal at a school in Versailles and the National Union of Headteachers , applies the same " law " for mobile phones used unexpectedly. " It confiscates their electronic cigarette and families are prevented ," he says micro Europe 1 . " Some families arrive at the quarter-hour and even discover that their child has purchased an electronic cigarette , the cost however, amounts to more than 50 euros, " he says.
A lack of scientific studies. " The electronic cigarette , a gateway to tobacco No, it means they have tried the electronic cigarette , but they are not necessarily regular users ! But it interests ! Is it addictive ? There is not know. studies are expected , " tempers Agnes Delrieu , doctor tobaccologist , special assistant to the French Office for the Prevention of smoking, in Europe 1 microphone.e cig wholesale
Parents too tolerant ? But all parents do not discover the new practice of their children by a call from the hotel. Some are well aware , or endorse the " vapotage " . Benjamin runs a shop of electronic cigarettes. It attracts high school students but also parents who come with their teens. " Parents are often smokers and they know they will not stop their children by telling them to stop. Suddenly, they think of electronic cigarette" , reflects this seller .
The expected " forward . " Law We look forward legislation that will ban e-cigarettes in all public places " , so says Michel Richard , anxious to stop this new mode. Meanwhile, many principals promise to registering ban the electronic cigarette in their rules by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the department says follow the subject closely, without consider national guideline for the moment.
Unlike conventional cigarettes sold in tobacconists
HEALTH - HAS judge that there is not enough data " on the evidence of efficacy and safety " of electronic cigarette ...
To stop smoking , the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends using conventional nicotine replacement ( patches , gum , lozenges, oral spray ) rather than the e- cigarette, the effectiveness and potential risks have not been adequately studied.
"Due to insufficient data on the evidence of their effectiveness and safety, it is not currently possible to recommend electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation or reduction of smoking ," said the HAS in a series of recommendations published Tuesday.
But at the same time, HAS believes that its use " should not be discouraged " in a smoker refusing conventional substitutes insofar as " electronic cigarettes are supposed to be less dangerous than tobacco ."wholesale electronic cigarette
It "must be part of a strategy to reduce or stop smoking with psychological support ," added the High Authority , an independent public body whose primary role is the assessment of medical practices.
The opinion of the HAS was highly anticipated as the electronic cigarette has become a social phenomenon since nearly one in five French say they have already tested , according to a recent Ipsos .
For the development of clinical studies
Unlike conventional cigarettes sold in tobacconists , the e- cigarette contains no tobacco , no tar , no carbon monoxide, is sold in specialty shops.
Considered a consumer product, it escapes both the regulations applicable to drugs and tobacco controls , reports HAS advocating the establishment of a series of studies "clinical" and " observational " to take stock of the effectiveness and lack of toxicity of the e -cigarette.
Meanwhile, HAS recommends using first use of nicotine replacement therapies ( NRT ), which have proven their effectiveness in people wishing to quit smoking.
No " serious adverse events identified " among the substitutes
These conventional treatments can increase after 6 months the success rate of those who wish to stop, notes HAS emphasizing that the combination of several treatments ( a patch coupled with chewing gum ) is even more effective.electronic cigarette wholesale supplier
According to the HAS, these treatments should be used for periods of at least 3 months, do not have " serious adverse reactions identified ," even if one can observe some passengers disorders (irritability, mood disorders , headache , nausea, mouth pasty ) usually related to inadequate dosage.
The High Authority , however, is more reserved on two drugs available in France in smoking cessation , varenicline (Chantix , Pfizer ) and bupropion (GSK) . She stresses that " serious adverse effects " were observed " in relation to suicide and depression " and that should not prescribe that second appeal pending a " reassessment of the benefit / risk."
Negative opinion on acupuncture or hypnotherapy
The verdict is even more negative with respect to other non-drug treatments such as exercise , acupuncture and hypnotherapy whose "benefit in assisting smoking cessation has not been established " but " n ' have not shown so far major risk . "
For the latter methods, HAS states: " the ethics of doctor does not recommend it to a non-validated therapeutic . Provided the physician should not prevent a patient from receiving treatment that may be useful due to its placebo effect, if this treatment is shown to be safe . "
an evaporator chamber for e-cigarettes -liquid and a rechargeable battery
Germany smokers to think more and more of them turn to wholesale e cigarettes a cheaper and less harmful alternative to conventional cigarette. A fact that in 2014 a growth year is expected to bring the relatively new wholesale e cig- the red kiwi GmbH will participate.
Increasing acceptance and growth in the market
red kiwi has sales almost doubled within twelve months - and rising. A market development, which was already apparent in 2011. Even then took a survey of the online community Toluna that 40 percent of all smokers surveyed the right to change the wholesale e cigarettes - could imagine - it consists of a mouthpiece , an evaporator chamber for e-cigarettes -liquid and a rechargeable battery. Since then, the red kiwi online shops paragraph continuously going up , and also in e-cigarettes retailers red kiwi with its broad portfolio for beginners and advanced e-cigarettes users present in the leading position and expand its retailer network continuously. At present, the following products are launched : the red kiwi Easy click- set for beginners or for testing , the practical -to-use red kiwi Rocket II S-Line Set ( cartomizer ), and the red kiwi eclear XDC Set ( Cartomizers with its two heating coils for twice as much steam and transparent liquid reservoir.
Monday, January 20, 2014
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We are the only brand in France to have our own range of e- liquids produced in our laboratory Londoner . Our ranges are exclusively from Europeans compounds and are divided into more than 100 exclusive flavors in 7 dosages of nicotine and 5 capacities
The risks of electronic snuff
They are everywhere: the electronic cigarette they entered stomping on our lives as the magic solution to stop the snuff. But smokers are in the process to stop being addicted to snuff not agree about its advantages. Some consider it very effective, others believe it is a silly fools.
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What's more studies begin to appear that suggest that it would not be as healthy as expected. Specifically research published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research 'has shown that electronic cigarettes generate sufficient quantities of nicotine so it can be inhaled by those around smokers. The researchers examined three different brands of e-cigarettes in two different studies.
The PSOE proposed to ban electronic cigarettes in the centers of the City
The group of the PSOE in City Council propose to PP government team that the use of electronic cigarettes in the centers of the Consistory , its agencies and municipal corporations be prohibited , until there is a state regulation on the use and safety of these products .
Through a motion Plenary Commission of Environment and Sustainability , socialists will claim that the use of these devices in the centers of social services for seniors, children and citizens in general in any branch is not allowed city .
In this sense, in the motion , signed by councilors Medina and Sergio Brenes, will be asked to Department of Environment recommending that all sectoral centers unrelated to City Hall and municipal agencies and companies with legal personality that limit the use electronic cigarettes to have that state regulation.
As pointed Medina to Europa Press , the City , in the scope of its powers , may limit , as administrations have done since the Junta de Andalucía, the use of the electronic cigarette until there is regulation at national level and can be know the reality of the safety of these products for people .
Precisely , Medina has affected the situation of lack of knowledge about electronic cigarettes and referred to the study being done in Andalucia shared basis between the Department of Equality , Health and Social Policy and the Agriculture , Fisheries and Rural development to determine the safety of the contents of these devices. This report seeks to establish , among other things, the possible existence of undeclared substances and their impact on the health of people .
The central government and the autonomous communities agreed last December, at the last Inter-Territorial Council of the National Health System ( CISNS ) 2013, pending a national regulation , the first measures to regulate the use of electronic cigarettes .
Thus, in children and school zones , health centers and hospitals , public transport and administration , especially in places of care to citizens shall be prohibited the use of these simulators .
Following this agreement , in the Andalusian Community vaporizers using electronic devices is not allowed since early this year in health, social and educational centers dependent on the Andalusian and also can be used in any facility where activity takes place with minors.
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Also, according to the Ministry of Health and the regions came to restrict the use of these electronic cigarettes in certain public spaces might be reached and enter into force after the reform of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and People, that is pending in Congress.
Moreover, the PSOE also take the Plenary Commission of Environment and Sustainability to require cleaning and disposal of waste and debris on a parcel located between the streets adjacent to the new professional music conservatory Gonzalo Martin opened in the month of January.
This plot district , " turned into a real dump debris and waste, significantly degrades the image and the safety of the area, causing the opposite effect you want with the new construction of the conservatory ," according has warned the Socialist councilor Medina .wholesale e cigarettes
The request passes , in general, that periodically monitor is set so that no further releases in this plot , in compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance for Cleaning Public Spaces and Integral Management of Solid Waste .
And, according to the PSOE mayor , " the City must comply with and enforce its rules and has the duty to maintain proper cleanliness in all plots and vacant lots , but mainly has to protect the health of its citizens, especially of minors . "
He therefore insisted that this close to the conservatory Martin Tenllado " area has to be cleaned of trash and debris as soon as possible , proceeding after establishing appropriate monitoring for this plot no longer an illegal dump , thus favoring improving the image and protecting the health of citizens that access to facilities and residents of the area. "wholesale e cig
Five tips for choosing your electronic cigarette
If you have taken the decision to switch to the electronic cigarette as a healthier alternative to traditional snuff , it is important to consider some tips before purchasing the device is best for you .
1. Become an initial two electronic cigarette kit . Why? The batteries have a recharge time of 3 hours , and once charged, it lasts about 7 hours. That timeout recharge drives some users to " lie " in the conventional cigarette unable to vaping . If you have two electronic cigarettes, always have one of the two devices ready while the other is charging.electronic cigarette starter kits
Two . The vaporizer . Keep this in mind: cheap is expensive , so choose a quality vaporizer . There are various models of atomizers for electronic cigarettes with different features and prices. Try to choose a spray that offers a good value . The cheaper models are called CE4 , the first who began to market about six years ago now . Its technology is already considered outdated, and both durability and quality vaping today are overtaken by newer models. More advanced devices like the CE5 " dual coil " that offers electronic cigarettes anywhere , provide excellent performance and best value on the market.
Three . The size of the battery . Among the most extended batteries are the electronic cigarette eGo -T , which come in different sizes and with different load capacities. Batteries 650 m lasting approximately 4 hours, the 900 m 6 hours, and 1100 m up to 8 hours. The most popular model is the battery eGo -T 900 m , which combines a comfortable size and a more than acceptable duration. They are the most requested by users , as 650m run out too fast and the 1100 m, but more durable , they are too bulky.
April . The flavor of E - Liquid. One of the most important - and most of the doubts aroused among users of e - cigarettes is the election of the E - Liquid. What flavor should I choose? From the choice of E -Liquid that results satisfying us largely depends on the success or failure of the replacement of traditional snuff by the electronic cigarette. There are plenty of options : fruit, coffee, menthol , gum, ... The fruity flavors are mild and pleasant , although its sweetness ends Sickening some users after day. An interesting alternative is to represent the genuine flavors of snuff , if the "Desert ship" or " Ekmel " that emulate some well known brands of conventional cigarettes. Tack on his throat and palate, similar to the traditional snuff , makes them especially attractive for users who are new to the vaping .wholesale e cig
May . Nicotine. Another doubt is very common which refers to the level of nicotine that each consumer requires to make your experience with the electronic cigarette is fully satisfactory . There is a simple scale to determine the level of nicotine that you need . ? Smoking a pack or more daily , a level of 24 mg of nicotine is recommended If you smoke 10 to 20 cigarettes a day, the recommended content will 16 mg . If you smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day , the concentration of 6 mg is right . Although there are no E - Liquid nicotine use is not recommended if the intention is to quit conventional snuff . Start at the level commensurate with their current level of consumption of snuff and , when there is reduced or completely abandoned conventional cigarettes , try E - liquid no nicotine . Indulge alternating flavors of snuff with fruit aromas.
The decision to make your life more healthy with the help of electronic cigarettes depends only on you. To make sure you can take that step firm , is important to know the various alternatives that offer these increasingly popular devices. Your right choice, do not forget, depends on the progressive substitution of conventional cigarette electronic cigarette , a decision that will save health and money.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
electronic cigarettes made in China
If a pregnant woman -jeou - Liang , 30 years old , Shanghai Trader replace conventional electronic cigarette - a practice that is very popular in China, but the country is the leading manufacturer of this product in the world, writes Reuters.
Electronic cigarettes have been invented about 10 years ago, Chinese medicine researcher and the country receives almost all global demand products. Smoke them as "evaporation" is called only once more popular around the world, but it is a small part of the business of cigarettes by $ 200 billion in China.
But now the public about the dangers of smoking , the better to get into the rules about smoking in public places allowed electronic cigarettes on the market 's largest tobacco in the world.
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"When - I smoke more and more places are increasingly using electronic cigarettes ," said Qiu . Since I started using the product six years ago for health reasons, he founded his own business with cigarettes and extended electrons , and now works not only for export and the domestic market.
In China, the electronic cigarettes are usually sold on the Internet , where the regulations concerning the product is still weak. In countries such as Singapore and Brazil , which are currently prohibited.wholesale e cig
A group of Chinese companies that are concentrated in the southern city of Shenzhen , including Shenzhen Technology Smoore, First Union Group, Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd. Seego Ruyan Tech and produce about 95% of all e-cigarettes in the world.
It is believed that the "evaporation" is a healthy alternative to smoking , due to the lack of combustion some of the adverse side effects of smoke snuff . One of the main problems is the lack of scientific knowledge about the long-term safety and effectiveness of electronic cigarettes to make critics, such as the British Medical Association warned of the dangers of misuse .
Nevertheless , the market for electronic cigarettes is growing rapidly, but still a small part of global business from snuff . Last week , Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio and Julia Louis - Dreyfus dealt with electronic cigarettes worldwide broadcast award " Golden Globe " .e cig wholesale
Some analysts predict that sales of electronic cigarettes do not exceed the traditional over the next 10 years. In the United States from 2009 to 2012 , sales increased by 115% as possible , increased by 240 % this year . There are forecasts that in 2017 the market for electronic cigarettes g.globalniyat fivefold rise to U.S. $ 10 billion .
According to experts, in the local market of electronic cigarettes in China will eventually take electronic cigarettes . Companies such as British American Tobacco Plc and Philip Morris International, Inc and independent American companies are already supplying electronic cigarettes made in China . However, this product may be able to offer the Chinese market - currently selling tobacco in the country is largely controlled by state monopolies .
At the moment , however , the regulation of electronic cigarettes in China is very vague and variable. There are serious obstacles , including the reluctance of the authorities to the huge loss of tax revenue tobacco. Country may decide to electronic cigarettes in the market kotnrol stringent than those of the snuff industry, impose severely limit the opportunities for the expression of foreign players , says Reuters.
I tried to gently interrupt this monologue
We live in worlds that barely penetrate . Each of us has his little kingdom , which consists of family, work colleagues and so-called environment further . Further extends the land appropriated by others, terra . Well, because I know exactly what my neighbor - a dentist ? Only that it is a dentist and her very angry that my existence ( I used for stamping ) . How much I can say about the people I talk to on the Internet? I'm afraid that much more .
Mohair of the most mysterious groups have called for me . mohery . Everyone knows who it is - for the first kneeling in church pews and guarding the candles at the Krakow suburb . Young people used to make fun of them , I kept my distance, little by reason , some out of necessity. Faith in God is to me something absurd and I do not know any mohair old man . My grandmother died only partially fit this description , because it was mohair beret , but do not go to church , just listened to the Mass on the radio. If alive today, probably prayer priest on the Internet. But she died. About mohair knew nothing . Until yesterday , when one encountered.
Accosted me at the tram stop . Visually meets all the criteria: black coat to the ankles, cane , purse , beret . 100 % of in . electronic cigarette , and she wrinkled her nose and pulled away angrily , fearing the stench and tar . I explained exactly what I hold in my hand , that it is not smoke, but the couple and if anyone harms , it is only me . I have a right to harm themselves . calmed down a bit and just wanted to know why I would like to shorten their lives . Why I'm doing well, and not bad? And so we began to talk to each other . First stop . Then the tram . I was going to visit his son. She - the sanctuary in Krakow's .
Here I must clarify a certain thing . God bless me out of the way , I think Catholicism as the biggest disaster ever fell on our country and on my shirt see inverted crosses and pentagrams . If you do not spit on every church is just because I hate even more contemporary anti-clericals . I prefer to be silent than to stand in one line with .
Get rid Member of Bilgoray and back to the tram at . Talking to you is quite nice until the old man asked how often I visit this beautiful and necessary sanctuary. I replied that I do not believe in God and go to church for baptisms and funerals (the fact that I enjoy more the latter than the first , deigned to remain silent ) . Well, it started. The old woman looked at me with concern and almost grabbed my hand . She began to speak acquired a voice and if I had not got on his bus , sure now. She said something like :
"But you are baptized. It means you belong to a church. It is not yet too late for you . Sir, are you going to let a priest . There are many wise priests and one for sure you will . Why do you departed from the faith ? And , my parents raised you so , they were unbelievers , those poor believers . Horrible, horrible sir. Do the saves . After all, what would have happened if not faith . only . The whole world would be just a huge killing . About Communism you ever heard ? Then tried to destroy religion, and many people were killed , many were deported . My father was also taken away , but still the First World War , the first one. Six years of exile . Do you really want to someone deported ? After you are baptized. It means you belong to a church. It is not yet too late for you . "
And so the vicious circle . I tried to gently interrupt this monologue . I explained that I live in Denmark, where they believe in God with two residents per mille and somehow still not slay . My parents were good to me . In vain . Still the same words repeated many times landed me in confusion . On the one hand I was angry , I listened to the broken record . On the other - in a strange way I felt genuine concern old foreign woman about my eternal life , I did not have enough worries in .vapor cigarette wholesale
I did not try to argue with her . Retirement treat like children . They have a reduced tariff . Besides, I had to tell her that God does not exist , and we all go after the death of nothingness ? After standing over the grave. It could be her last visit in .
I am pleased with this meeting. I learned this and that , of course, if my mohair grandmother was statistically representative of his strange tribe. It's true , mohery are jammed in the faith , to make matters worse comic . They think quite schematically , but exhibit a sincere interest in the good of others. Understand them in their own way ( the conversion ), and I still have the right . This old man came out from the skin , to save me (specifically, the immortal soul , which does not have ) and probably she would have drawn me to the priest if I allowed it . Usually people met in the street are indifferent to . This conversation was pleasant variety.
Condensed in the lowest quality electronic cigarette
Joyetech Electronic Cigarette erollos is a unique device . If you want an experience that is as close to real erollos Non smoking vapatului can provide this. It is because of its small size , light weight, the vapor can consistently produce sustainable use portable unit easy to load preferred.
This model vapat device is more convenient from every angle . Leak and smoke The liquid was not optimized to enable more homogeneous spray atomizer penetration through the filter. The kit comes with the electronic cigarette contains 3 cartridges and , if desired, add other cartridges.
They are filled very quickly and easily with e-liquid , without unpleasant events , such as blockages or leaks. Whether you are a liquid produced by Joyetech or choose another recognized brand , the production of steam will be amazing compared to other models and the small size of the device. You reach the desired taste and texture perfect, very close to the normal cigarette smoke.
In all critical points of the device composition there together discrete but effective seal so that it is not the ingress of air into the outside or inside of the liquid , so that the quality of the experience that a vapatului be high.
In terms of cost , erollos Kit with two bottles of liquid ( equivalent to two cartons of cigarettes ) costs 3.2 times less than the cigarettes smoked more than a month, if you have a smoke two packs of cigarettes a day.
In addition erollos likely to help in the situation , the snuff, once you start it , the quality and such a small device Joyetech .ego electronic cigarette wholesale
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If you want to buy one of Bucharest 's best showroom Vapers -One of this product in a store Vapers . Here you can test to be before you buy erollos electronic cigarettes and store employees in contact with all the information about future maintenance , I advise you choose the e- liquid , and my experience , because all the products are tested before marketing.
For more interesting information about e- smoking, but also new available Vapers - A blog and a Facebook page where you enter Vapers One - smoking information and friends to encourage them to a healthy habit instead of snuff for taking up smoking.
the erollos Joyetech electronic cigarettes are the best quality and Vapers - one has the reputation of its clients tested only original products and earns warranty period.
Modern cigarettes are much more dangerous than those that were 50 years ago
According to statistics , the population of the planet was consumed fewer cigarettes than previously , but current smokers expose themselves to greater risk. At a press conference, said Boris Lushnyak , Chief Medical Officer USA.
Lushnyak noted that cigarettes are manufactured today , more dangerous than they were before Carcinogens and tar contained in them can cause cancer, particularly cancer of the esophagus , intestines, liver , as well as heart attack, blindness and erectile dysfunction. In women, they can trigger breast cancer and infertility.
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Recall recently doctors have come to the conclusion that electronic cigarettes are just as harmful as regular . Tobacco substitutes drugs not only safe, but also are a threat to the human body . In the electronic cigarette nicotine is not associated with smoke and steam . Body perceives it as a natural substance that allows the nicotine absorbed by the body more easily . Also , the smoker inhales harmful toxins are released by heating cartridge , located in the structure of the electronic cigarette .
Thursday, January 16, 2014
KIT Electronic Cigarette EGO-C on sale
is offering this month you have the model EGO- C Duo known for its innovative new cigarette Joye EGO- C with replaceable incandescent element that saves you time and money. (Replaceable atomizer ) .
The main features of this revolutionary electronic cigarette Ego- C can mention the following :
The atomizer is divided into three parts : base, cover and separate spray head . Which makes it much more economical to have to renew it.
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The double air circulation system provides a much greater sense of realism.
Thanks to the button LED is possible to know the level of battery charge . When it is above 50 % , the button turns white . Between 50 % and 10 % are in light blue. And below 10 % the color is blue.
You can buy this fabulous KIT EGO- C Duo in our online store electronic cigarette in the section OFFERS .electronic cigarette wholesale supplier
Where in addition to the best models in the market , great deals, working with experts in the world of vaping advising you in any questions you may have.
We are a shop electronic cigarette where you will find all the latest news and everything related to liquids, accessories, consumables , electronic cigarette kits for beginners and kits MODs for experts , atomizers ,Clearomizers , EGO battery e- cigarette and everything needed for the best performance from your electronic cigarette.
It is a priority to the good taste and vapor production each of our models, so our main goal is to provide the customer with the necessary information so you can choose the best electronic cigarette that suits your needs and tastes , being always satisfied with your purchase.
Not forgetting the most important thing is style- philosophy and business and social motivation, which is to introduce the electronic cigarette in society by all level of health benefits involving quit.
UCE calls on the Ministry of Health to regulate the electronic cigarette
Consumers Union of Extremadura has asked the Health Ministry to constitute a working group to agree on a rule governing the electronic cigarette in order to restrict its use until it is demonstrated to be a safe product and adopt a regulation national .
In a press release , stressed that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends not to use it until certifying that poses no health risk , and added that his lack of control is expanding its use among the citizenry. An estimated 800,000 people have signed the " vaping " in Spain .
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With this background , he added, the sale of electronic cigarettes is " absolutely uncontrolled " , and can be found in specialty shops, but also in video stores , shoe stores, electronics stores and Asian trade .
In these latter cases , UCE has acquired samples of liquids, for example, with all your labeling and , consequently, all the warnings , in English , a practice " prohibited " by the laws of the country , for any product offered for sale in Spain must have minimum information in Castilian .
In addition , the regional powers in health lead to " disparate " regulations and , as such , has said that Catalonia has banned the use , promotion and sale of electronic cigarettes in the centers, services and establishments of the public health system; and Andalusia and Valencia have announced that as equivalent to conventional snuff .
It also has opened the debate on the reform of European directive snuff , so it is expected that this type of cigarette can only be sold in pharmacies if smoking cessation therapeutic indications are alleged , the rest could not be sold to anyone under 18 years not contain more than 20 mg / ml of nicotine .
Similarly , UCE has indicated that the recent study of Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, United States, showing that inhaling the steam from electronic cigarettes exposed to nicotine but not other chemicals that are present in the smoke of snuff , loses credibility if you consider that funded a company that makes treatments for smoking cessation , and that one of the components of the research team funded by a manufacturer of electronic cigarettes.
Since this organization have ensured that , with the studies and data available today , it is not possible to say with certainty whether the electronic cigarette is or is not safe for our health and also if we will really help you quit smoking .
In this regard, he stressed that , in addition to containing toxic substances, does not help the smoker overcome their psychological dependence not break the habit of " putting something in the mouth."
In terms of physics, some of them contain nicotine , a component which engages six times heroin, besides propylene glycol ( a synthetic substance that absorbs water ) , vegetable glycerin , nitrosamines ( carcinogenic compound ) and other products such as essences of mint, vanilla and apple , which represent "extra risk " for young people to start smoking.
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