Thursday, February 20, 2014

This cigarette costs less and is less detectable by parents that manufactured cigarette.

Atlantico : According to Bertrand Dautzenberg , Professor of Pulmonology and president of the French Office of smoking , 6 % of young people 12 to 14 years tested the e -cigarette. Among them ,had not smoked before. These figures are indicative of they just a fad ?
GĂ©rard Audureau : It is impossible to predict whether that today looks like a fad will not end up becoming a commonplace behavior. Studies in the USA confirm this trend. On leaving college , it is not uncommon to see " boast " some teenagers taking their electronic cigarette decorated exotic taste of another banned alcohol ( Pina colada, mojito, rum coke, are as much flavors available) .

This cigarette costs less and is less detectable by parents that manufactured cigarette. But it has a non negligible addictive potential caused by the presence of nicotine . A perfect product to anchor a little more the idea of ​​an ordinary product , but "fashionable " . Studies are lacking, but it is easy to assume that children who start smoking with the electronic cigarette will eventually become addicted to nicotine. This is potentially a gateway to smoking conventional door.

To what extent these experiments electronic cigarette lead to regular use of it ? And lead to smoking?
Inhaled nicotine , mostly now available in the ingredients of the electronic cigarette does not constitute , in itself , a real danger to health, but has a much greater addictive potential that is associated with sweet aromas . Unlike patches and chewing gums, inhaling the nicotine produces the famous "hit " sought by smokers and greatly contributes to the phenomenon of addiction.

This physical dependence is lined with a taste and behavioral attraction induced by the presence of flavors and perfect simulation of the act of smoking . It is therefore reasonable to fear the passage of the e- cigarette smoking because of the sensation seeking increasingly strong sign of addiction.e cigarette kits

What are the shortcomings and dangers for non-smokers to test the e- cigarette?
Nicotine is a poison that is toxic by ingestion or transdermally . Well tolerated by regular smoking dose can be fatal for a young child . We must not allow the e -liquid bottles at their fingertips. Avoid contact with skin or eyes , it should wash their hands after filling the cartridge and hold the cigarette horizontally to avoid burns language if the cartridge is discharged accidentally .

For over a century and in the collective unconscious , marketing multinational managed to combine alcohol and tobacco consumption symbol of empowerment to make the essential elements of the rite of passage into the adulthood. Fierce desire to offer flavors that combine e- cigarettes the same symbols crossing prohibited for a teenager falls into this same strategy and confirms the avowed purpose of converting the youngest to e- smoking .

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